Articles for Parenting

Importance Of Equipping Foundational Numeracy In Your Child

Allows children to approach a solution in different ways and form different perspectives, strengthening not just their critical thinking but also setting a foundation for being more accepting and adapting to different approaches.

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Improve Decision-Making & Critical Thinking Skills Through Ramayana & Mahabharata

Based on the parenting and upbringing, their surroundings, their life experiences; children develop an unsaid framework for decision making in life

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Online Safety Tips For Kids: Avast

It is necessary to remind kids how to use the internet and ensure they use the internet safely and confidently and empower them to protect themselves

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How Game-Based Learning Can Make Your Child Smarter

Games have been proven to improve engagement and people do learn from games, however, to successfully incorporate it into the educational framework, effective design processes will need to be established that ensure imparting of specific knowledge & skills that the game is expected to effectively teach.

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Supporting Families Through Study At Home

Parenting tips to guide their children to improve behavioural skills owing to the school shutdown.

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Pandemic Should Not Hinder A Child’s Education

Though parents are home-schooling children and helping the older children to adjust to the online classes, the dilemma of educating the three/four-year-olds continues.

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As Some Schools Reopen Across The Country, Health Experts To Answer Questions On The Safety Of Children

Teach For India, The Akanksha Foundation, Increasing Diversity by Increasing Access to Legal Education (IDIA), Harvard Law School Association Women’s Alliance (India Chapter) and Indus Action to host a panel on how safe the schools will be for our children

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95% Children Recall Male Role Models As Inspiration In STEM Fields

Avishkaar Survey Reveals that when asked to describe a scientist, the majority of parents and children used gender-neutral terms, however, 30% of parents feel that the work environment in STEM fields is not conducive for girls to thrive in.

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