Supporting Families Through Study At Home

The coronavirus outbreak has managed to have its grievous impacts on all and children aren't an exception; they are also feeling these unprecedented changes deeply. Childhood is the foundation of human development wherein we see a child growing- - physically, emotionally, psychologically, and socially. Skills like social learning behaviour that includes a wide range of abilities like communicating and interacting with our surroundings have come to a sudden halt.  Because there has been a serious lack of social interaction and integration, kids may now feel anxious or frightened whenever the schools reopen. 

Closure of schools for almost two years now carries high social and economic costs for people across communities. The interrupted learning, social isolation, challenge of creating, maintaining, and improving the learned skills are the resulting disruptions that exacerbate the learning and growing period of millions of kids.

The only way to bridge this gap between learning and growing is when the parents and teachers unite and collaborate to create a supportive environment for the children.  Here are the few ways in which parents can support their children in understanding and managing some of the complicated emotions they may be facing:


Parents should plan everyday activities for their kids creatively. 

Activities like drawing, painting, creating artworks, or using any musical instruments can help increase cognitive skills and imagination power. You can also help their children in developing reading as a habit and play indoor games with them as leisure activities. 

Teach Kids Self-Discipline Skills. 

It helps kids in delaying gratification, resisting unhealthy temptations, and tolerating the minor discomforts they face in the process of achieving a goal. . It is the key to helping kids become responsible adults.

Give effective instructions and provide structure 

Help your child in following a routine for regular activities, as when they know what they are supposed to be doing, they will be less likely to get distracted by other activities. You should help and guide your child to become aware of their positive behaviours and their benefits, which will encourage them to continue in similar ways in the future.

Have open conversations

Encourage their questioning and reasoning powers, remember that your child may have different reactions to stress, so be patient and understanding. Start by giving them a safe and open space to talk and express themselves, find out how much they already know and follow their lead. 

Don'ts for parents

Don't be stuck in a loop, give them the space to explore and learn.  

Even though there are some benefits to it, kids do not need to be taught all day. Giving some space can help your child understand choices better. 

Set digital time-out. 

Set a time-out on their online platforms. Online platforms may have become indispensable tools in today’s era of education & play, but its use isn’t monitored it can lead to negative implications for the child. The internet world is wide and easily accessible, and hence brings heightened risks for children’s safety, protection, and privacy. You should discuss the pros and cons of using the internet with your children so that they know how it works and what they need to be aware of.

Do not bring your professional stress home. 

The line between personal and professional has blurred so it is quite common to displace your anger on the young ones for some small mistakes they made. It might lead to developing some behavioural problems and also modelling such behaviours in the long run.

School closure and lack of social interactions have undoubtedly created a big void in the learning process for children, but including socio-emotional learning and mental well-being in these critical times can somehow help in filling that void. . Providing them with a safe and open space which is conducive to growth while being mindful of elements like ensuring healthy conversations, is essential.


Ambika Chawla

Guest Author The author is a Clinical Psychologist, Kaleidoscope - a unit of Dr Bakshi’s Healthcare    

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