Pandemic Should Not Hinder A Child’s Education

The Covid-19 pandemic has impacted people’s lives in various ways. One section of the population which got affected during Covid time were the children, especially those in the age group of 3-5 years, who were expected to join the school. Though parents are home-schooling children and helping the older children to adjust to the online classes, the dilemma of educating the three/four-year-olds continues. Many parents are apprehensive about admitting their little ones to preschool or kindergarten as the schools continue to function in online mode. 

The introduction of online classes, an innovative approach, was opted by most education institutions during the pandemic. Though it looked difficult and unviable in the initial stages, the continuous training provided to teachers from the school management and induction of advanced technology made this solution effective and easily adaptable. 

The impact of delaying education on the children:

The remote education and lack of physical attendance at the school have worried the parents with kids in the age group of 3-4 years. In some cases, this concern has led to a delay in the admission of their little one to the school. Though this apprehensiveness is not irrational, parents need to be assured that the faculty in the school are capable of handling children and are trained to make learning more attractive to these toddlers who are in their initial phase of schooling. 

Numerous scientific studies have shown that early education plays a major role in a child’s life. It is important as it builds the child’s perspective about schooling. The experience they get at their tender age helps to mould the future of the child. Any gap in education during these years like delay in admission to the school may impact the child’s learning, social and emotional skills.

Education is not only meant to acquire a degree or a good job, it is essential for the well-rounded development of an individual. It cultivates a healthy thought process and helps the child to develop cognitive skills. Schools can help in the mental, social, physical, and overall development of children. 

Though home-schooling is an option, it usually keeps a child away from the socio-emotional learning foundation. Kindergartens and preschools are essential to help the child ease into routine schooling. This initial education to the children is focused to give the kind of language stimulation which may not be possible at home. Though the schools are closed now, the young brain requires stimulation to orient them towards learning. Hence, deferring the academic year may harm these young minds. 

The curriculum in the schools is currently drafted based on scientific research and the ability of children of the age group. If the school is sharing educational videos with the child, utmost care is taken to draft it to help aid the development of a child. Parents need to understand that these educational videos and online classes help their children comprehend concepts and are not just a mere diversion. Therefore, deferring the admission or not allowing them to attend online classes, may delay their social and emotional development. Also, delaying a year may put extra pressure and hinder the child’s ability in understanding the various learning areas. 

Many private schools are adopting innovative ways of teaching online by making the curriculum more fun, engaging, interactive, and appealing to children. They are including activities to delineate a course of action for students to inculcate a sense of school even at home. 

It is not true that children will not get benefitted from online classes. Similar to offline education, online schooling has its advantages. 

Home is the learning space now

Education is now customised to the needs of the student and they can learn from the comfort of their home. Online learning also involves the parents in the process which will help the child to understand better. 

Short but elaborated teaching

Shorter learning sessions are effective, and teachers make them progressively longer when required, which improves the attention span of students. Teachers try to make the classes more interactive so students feel the classes are exciting irrespective of the time spent in the online classes. 

Visually stimulating content

Videos, lectures, study material, and classes that are visually attractive help develop the cognitive abilities and task proficiency of students. The added benefit is that this type of educational content helps keep the learners engaged while making the learning process an enjoyable experience for students and teachers alike.

Builds good routine 

Establishing daily routines can help children to inculcate discipline and proper habits. The regular time frame for studying helps build rhythm and adapt to learning methods with encouragement from teachers and parents.

Enhancing creativity through the online medium

The various activities organised by the schools help in enhancing the talent among children. Online classes provide a platform for the students to exhibit their talents and engage in their areas of interest. 

With the advancement in technology, online education is becoming more convenient and user-friendly. Instead of a few uncertain fears, parents need to understand its positive aspects to take full advantage of the technology as well as education to make their kid future-ready. 


Shubhra Sinha.

Guest Author The author is Head of School, Ekya School, Byrathi

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