Stay On Top Of Things

Ankit Aggarwal, Founder and CEO, Unstop, shares how students can excel in a job interview and thrive in career
Ankit Aggarwal

How in this ever-transforming job market, students can secure their career?
With the job market transforming, the need of the hour is to upskill in the latest trends and stay on top of things. Plus, students need to push the envelope and be a part of challenges that help them apply their skills in real-time. This gives them an opportunity to understand where they stand in the crowd and how much more they need to do to climb the leaderboard.

How to upskill and reskill for digital transformation?
To navigate the digital transformation, stay relevant and achieve your career goals, upskilling and reskilling are crucial. Start by assessing your needs and exploring learning options like online courses, bootcamps and on-the-job training. Choose approaches that align with your goals, learning style and budget.

How important a role does an educational institution play in students' career?
An educational institution is like the foundation for a student when they’re out of school. It gives them a platform to engage with new people and deep dive into other things other than just academics. Plus, interacting with college alumni broadens the horizons of students and gives them a chance to understand the future options they can dabble with.

Any preparation tips for a job interview or an impressive CV?
Be yourself and be honest. What matters is the way you present yourself to the recruiter. One thing that helps is being a part of mock interviews with mentors from that company or field. It prepares you well for what can be asked during the interview. Secondly, though we’re on a journey to democratise hiring, a resume is an important step in shortlisting candidates. It should be able to explain to the recruiter what kind of person you are, what your interests are and how you can be an asset to the company.

Why the education sector, what inspires you to be in this industry?
I wouldn’t say we’re only in the education industry. We aim to democratise hiring and make sure any student in any college or city gets a chance to access the right set of opportunities. As per the AISHE report, there are 40 million students in higher education out of which 99 per cent don’t get the right career opportunities. This shows there is a massive chunk of students waiting to find the right opportunity to upskill and pave their career path.


Upasana Sharan

BW Reporters The author works as a Senior Copy Editor with BW Businessworld and currently handles the education vertical. She has done her Post Graduate Diploma in English Journalism from the Indian Institute of Mass Communication (NER Campus, Aizawl).

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