Filling Critical Gaps

Dr Sachin Kumar, Director, Fabrocks Innovation, on the future plans and success mantra of the company
Sachin Kumar

What inspired you to establish Fabrocks Innovation?
Fabrocks Innovation, founded in December 2022, is at the forefront of India's technological revolution. It is a company built on the vision of filling critical gaps in the medtech and industrial solutions market.

What is your business model?
Providing innovative solutions to the problem statements provided by the company; selling already prepared solutions directly to companies and delivering improved devices to the public.

Tell us about current collaborations of the firm.
According to the pinciples of the firm, collaboration is key. We believe in fostering strong partnerships to accelerate development. We have been funded by DST, Government of India through the NIDHI-PRAYAS scheme.

Elaborate on the future plans of the company.
Focus on innovation: Continuous research and development will be the cornerstone of our success. We will strive to create cutting-edge products that address unmet needs.

Strategic partnerships: We will actively seek collaborations with leading companies and research institutions to leverage expertise and resources.

Building a strong team: Attracting and retaining top talent will be paramount. We will foster a culture of creativity and collaboration to drive success.

What is your success mantra?
At Fabrocks Innovation, we believe in building the future, one smart solution at a time.


Upasana Sharan

BW Reporters The author works as a Senior Copy Editor with BW Businessworld and currently handles the education vertical. She has done her Post Graduate Diploma in English Journalism from the Indian Institute of Mass Communication (NER Campus, Aizawl).

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