NEET 2024: Another Petition Filed In The Supreme Court Demanding Re-evaluation Of All OMR Sheets

A group of NEET-UG 2024 candidates files a Supreme Court petition demanding a re-evaluation of all OMR sheets amid concerns over score discrepancies and procedural fairness
NEET 2024

In the ongoing controversy surrounding the NEET-UG 2024 results, a significant development has emerged with a group of candidates filing a petition in the Supreme Court. This petition calls for a thorough re-evaluation of all OMR answer sheets, re-ranking of candidates and a court-monitored inquiry into alleged irregularities. Filed under Article 32, the petition represents eight candidates who participated in the National Entrance-cum-Eligibility Test (NEET) held on May 5. With over 24 lakh students nationwide attempting the exam, concerns have been raised about multiple discrepancies and perceived arbitrary actions by the National Testing Agency (NTA).

Among the grievances listed in the petition are discrepancies where students received different marks on their scorecards compared to their OMR sheets. These differences allegedly occurred independently of any grace marks, with specific concerns raised about the lack of transparency regarding compensatory marks and the criteria used for their allocation. Additionally, there has been criticism over an unprecedented inflation of cut-off scores, leading to an unusually high number of candidates achieving perfect scores of 720/720, including six toppers from a single exam center in Haryana. Such statistical anomalies have sparked doubts about the fairness and integrity of the NEET-UG 2024 results.

The petition also challenges the legality of recent press releases by the NTA, issued on June 4 and June 6, regarding result declarations and clarifications on result queries. These releases are alleged to have exacerbated concerns rather than providing clarity, prompting calls for their annulment. Justices Vikram Nath and Sandeep Mehta have acknowledged the petition, issuing notice and scheduling it alongside related matters for a hearing on July 14. This move underscores the seriousness with which the Supreme Court is approaching the issues raised by NEET-UG 2024 candidates and their advocates.

In another related development, the NTA has responded to separate petitions challenging the granting of grace marks to 1563 candidates. The NTA has indicated its intention to withdraw these grace marks and has offered affected students the choice to either accept their scores without them or opt for a re-test. This decision marks a significant response from the NTA amidst mounting pressure and legal challenges regarding the conduct and outcome of the NEET-UG 2024 examination cycle.

Overall, the petition and subsequent legal proceedings highlight ongoing concerns within the academic community regarding transparency, fairness and procedural integrity in national-level entrance examinations like NEET-UG. The outcome of the Supreme Court's deliberations on July 14 will be eagerly anticipated by candidates, educators and stakeholders alike as they seek clarity and justice in this contentious issue.

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