Zamit's Internship Programme For Students Grade 5 To 12

The internship programme provides practical experience, fostering future-ready skills and soft skills for the VUCA world. Successful interns will receive an international certification.

Zamit offers two internship types for secondary school students: Extended 24-week internships, held twice a year, starting in july and december and Short 4 to 8 week internships, held twice a year, from May to July and December to January.

"We really think that the foundation of both professional and personal growth is experiential learning. Through our internship programme, students can prepare for a bright future by gaining practical experience, developing critical future skills and earning international certifications. Zamit encourages all students from grades 5 through 12 to participate in these meaningful internship opportunities, paving the road for kids to begin this educational journey and building a better future for future leaders”, Aarul Malaviya, Founder, Zamit, said. 

Zamit is offering four internships this academic year, including a unique Game Design & Development internship, flexible and offers both starter and advanced levels, providing a foundation in game design and development.

The Market Research & Data Analytics internship provides students with valuable insights into entrepreneurship and data analysis, enhancing their understanding of commercial dynamics driving successful businesses.

The four-week internship, Introduction to AI Tools that Enrich Learning, equips students with crucial AI skills for success in a constantly evolving world.

Unlocking the Power of DataOps equips interns with valuable knowledge about data management and operations, prepare them for diverse careers in the data-driven world.

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