Learnings From Mom

The most precious memories of our childhood, are those with our mothers. Sitting in the veranda of home, glistening in the warmth of the winter sun, mother applying coconut oil to hair and narrating life stories. This is a common glimpse of an Indian household. Children get inspired and want to grow up to be exactly like their moms. 

Mothers make sure their daily lives are infused and brimming with gratitude, love and valuable learnings. The lessons that were enduring; the ones that remain for a lifetime. Growing up, these lessons permeate every decision children makes, both personally and professionally. 

One must have the courage to face change

Change is constant and inevitable, but what matters is how one deals with that change and uses it to their advantage. Mothers graciously navigate change in their personal and professional life. To learn, unlearn and relearn is a fact that we must remember to stay relevant. Learning to deal with adversity and coming out successful is one of the best life lessons that one can imbibe. 

Values must be at the heart of all

Mothers teach thier kids about the values that would make them better people. They encourage us be kind, to always stand up for what is right and to undertake school work with integrity and honesty. As we grow up, we realise how important these values are in every aspect of life. Workplaces of today rank these values as the most expected out of employees and tremendously valued and there has been emphasis on values to be at the core of learning right from primary education. 

It’s not just about a person, it is about the community 

The fervent focus on community building, on caring for the society, for environment and always being conscious citizens rather than living in silos– is a constant lesson that our mothers teach and this should be deeply integrated in school education so that young minds and new cohorts understand and imbibe it and become conscious global citizens. 

Mothers are our guidebooks and our rule books; they support us, cheer us for life and push us to reach our full potential. Learnings from our mothers helps not just to be the person that we are, but also gives us the opportunity to pass on those values to thousands of students, year on year.


Devyani Jaipuria

Guest Author The author is Pro-Vice Chairperson, Delhi Public School, Sector-45, Gurugram; Delhi Public School, Jaipur; Dharav High School, Jaipur and DPS International, Gurugram

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