Parenting And Education

With changing times, not only have our kids’ education changed, but also our approach to the same, as parents. Back when we were kids, our parents gave it their all, but they weren’t as invested in it, as parents of today are. Right from working on our child’s phonic skills to improving their motor skill activities to enrolling in national Olympiad tests, we are ready to go the extra mile for our children today, things that were unheard of even two decades back. As a fraternity, today’s parents are willing to go the extra mile to support their children in their dreams. And let’s give it to the children - the real party troopers. From adjusting to online classes which were unheard of prior to the pandemic, to going back to the normal life they led 2 years ago, their life is going through a whirlwind of changes too and they would need that extra support that we can offer.

Here are 3 tips for parents to help support ther child’s education:

Learning doesn’t end at school

A lot of today’s parents are very clear in their parenting style - they don’t want to be the 'tiger mom' or the 'helicopter mom' who was always academically inclined and pushing the children to study more. True that. We need to set clear boundaries and routines for studying at home. And starting this earlier on will only make it easier for them, along the way.

Not all screen time is bad

'Screentime' has been one of the most used and abused words, especially during the pandemic. Reducing screen time for kids and letting them explore real outdoor play is necessary but we should also not be against screen time completely. Parenting philosophy should always be 'pick and choose your battles'. 

Understanding appreciations and criticisms right

Between celebrating our child’s successes on WhatsApp Family group chats and FaceTime with grandparents, let us understand how to get it right and how to inspire them to fly higher. That said, it is also important to dole out constructive criticisms, In our effort to raise 'perfect children' who actually don’t exist, to come down hard on them for every mistake and berate or deride them would be very wrong and could end up harming their morale or interest to do well in life. Neither this way nor that way, remember to take the middle path, parents.


Mansi Zaveri

Guest Author The author is Founder & CEO, Kidsstoppress

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