Good Parenting

“Don’t pressurize your child to become what you want them to be. Don’t mould them according to your understanding of life.”

“Poke your nose less but keep an eye.Giving teenagers a chance to establish their own identity is important. But when you think it’s a high time, choose your battles wisely. Otherwise, try and establish trust so start sharing their problems with you.”

“Talk to them about risks. Talk over dark areas such as drugs,alcohol, relationships or premarital sex. Your teenager child needs to know the worst that could happen.”

“Understand their friend circle, don’t pass judgements without knowing someone completely. Decide rules and discipline in advance.”

“Spend time on a regular basis and try to create fun with your child. When you do so, don’t try and teach rather make them learn. Talk, talk about everything. But never disagree about discipline in front of your children.Your child should know what he/she should expect if he or she performs the“undesirable.” behavior.

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