5 Edtech Startups To Secure Your Child’s Future

The Edtech start up ecosystem is booming across the world and Indian entrepreneurs are leaving no stones unturned to bring innovation to consumers’ doorsteps. From gaming effects, the entrepreneurs have progressed to making the education system touch a notch higher with unique innovations and introductions.

As the globe marches towards virtual world, following Edtech start ups have imprinted their mark upon the Edtech industry and with the aid of Edugild, a global Edtech Startup Accelerator, are set to expand nationwide.

Study Marvel

The squad of three young enthusiastic members is enough for the Edtech Startup to grab eyeballs. With a simple scan, students can access thousands of 3D models representing anything from a part of the human anatomy to a famous monument to a structure of an atom. Aiding the education sector, Study Marvel augments 3D models from the StudyMarvel 3D Library with AR Education Packs with pre-defined 3D models. 

Soma Sharma, Co-founder of Smart Marvel stated that the students can access 3D models from a wide range of library and create their own markers. Giving access to creating markers increases the scope of our library. Even though they are in the initial phase of their application, they claim their idea undoubtedly has global reach.


Kanav Sachdeva, founder of the AbroadShiksha claims to be the first in the digital sphere of providing end to end solution for students seeking global education and career opportunities including scholarships. Diverting from the physical counseling centers, Kanav feels that to increase manpower efficiency and decrease the burden of opening stores across the country, the web portal provides immense mass reach. 

“I can reach out to a person in Madya Pradesh through my web portal without opening a physical store in that city and be able to provide expert advertise that I wouldn’t have been able to offer if I had to look for manpower there,” said Kanav.


The career intelligence platform maps graduates to career profiles and helps them to evaluate where they stand. The graduates are not always aware about the daily working of different career profiles or are unable to interpret job descriptions, this is where Ambitionup steps in. it helps the graduates explore career profiles, maps them to specific career profiles, tracks profile fitment and customizes recommendations for courses and programmes to become more employable. 

The prototype launched in October, 2015 has successfully gained over 10,000 users.  The young founder Hitesh Awtaney said, “The idea was borne as my placement season approached. Many students want to know their employment opportunities before they choose their careers. We try to bridge the gap between students and employers.” 


Ekin Knowledge

Led by Preetham Shetty and Seralathan Devaraju, Ekin Knowledge is an innovative Edutech company that enhances the learning outcome of the student with a personalized learning experience based on individual needs in the classroom. Not many digital companies can boast about providing personalized service in contemporary time but ekin aims to do just that.

EdWhizz by Ekin, a modern holistic learning platform makes it easy for teachers to build next generation learning solutions and enables teachers to deliver differentiated instructions and personalized assessments based on student needs. 


With time becoming precious every passing day, parents still spend considerable time and efforts in identifying, locating procuring the most basic products and services needed for their child’s rather than investing the time with them. Resolving the misery of the parents, YoScholar provides entire gamut of products and activities, services be it uniform, sports, specialized coaching, counseling and Edtech products.

YoScholar has authorized merchandise of over 350 institutions and about 65 vendors are on board across India with tangible demonstrated. 

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