IIT Madras Launches Solid Waste Incinerator as Part of Swachhata Hi Seva Campaign

In a significant step towards environmental sustainability, the Indian Institute of Technology (IIT) Madras has inaugurated a state-of-the-art Solid Waste Incinerator facility on its campus. With a daily processing capacity of over two tons, this facility is a crucial component of the Swachhata Hi Seva campaign. 

IIT Madras's commitment to achieving 'Zero Waste Discharge' is evident through this initiative. The incinerator can handle unsegregated waste with up to 40 per cent moisture content, including food/packaging waste, partially consumed food, cups, cardboard, large packaging boards and used beds/foams. By incinerating mixed waste, the institute contributes to a reduction of approximately two tons of CO2-equivalent greenhouse gas emissions.

In addition to this development, IIT Madras recently organized a cleanliness drive, 'Ek Tareekh Ek Ghanta,' at Elliot's Beach in Besant Nagar. This initiative, undertaken as part of the 'Swachhta Hi Seva' Campaign, was a heartfelt tribute to Mahatma Gandhi on the eve of his birth anniversary on 2 October 2023.

Around 150 students, faculty and staff actively participated in the drive, demonstrating their commitment to a cleaner and greener India. The event was facilitated by officials from the Chennai Corporation, who administered the Swachhata pledge to the enthusiastic participants.

Prof R Sarathi, Dean (Planning), IIT Madras, praised the students for their dedication to this noble cause. He remarked, "The Swachhata Hi Seva initiative, with its focus on 'Garbage Free India,' embodies a collective social responsibility. IIT Madras takes immense pride in being part of this endeavor. The active involvement of students in this noble task is the most effective way to ensure the successful realization of the goal of a 'Garbage Free India.' Let us unite under the slogan 'Let's go Green' to make Mother Earth cleaner than ever."

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