Bridging Employment Gap: Empowering India's Youth With Real-world Skills

The future of work will demand not just technical skills but also the ability to communicate effectively, adapt to change and collaborate across disciplines

India has one of the largest youth populations in the world, yet the rising unemployment rate remains a serious concern. Addressing this issue requires more than just educational reforms — it demands an overhaul of how practical skills, including communication, are taught to today’s youth. In today’s fast-paced and increasingly digital world, communication skills and the learning market demands are more important than ever. Effective communication goes beyond just speaking well; it encompasses the ability to express ideas clearly, collaborate with others and adapt to diverse environments.

Youth unemployment: A complex challenge
According to the India Employment Report 2024, published by the International Labour Organisation (ILO) 83 per cent of India's unemployed workforce comprises young people. This staggering figure highlights a key issue: the disconnect between education and the demands of modern industries. Many graduates leave universities with strong theoretical knowledge but lack the practical, hands-on skills needed for today’s jobs.

Moreover, the availability and quality of vocational training programme remain inconsistent, further exacerbating the problem. Young graduates are not equipped with the skills needed to seamlessly transition into the workforce.

Skill universities and hands-on learning
To tackle these issues, skill universities like Vedatya are taking steps to bridge the gap between education and employability. Vedatya’s curriculum is designed with input from industry professionals to ensure that students learn what the market demands. Vedatya offers extensive internship programme, allowing students to gain practical experience, develop their professional networks, and boost their employability. Networking events with professionals and alumni provide students with real-world insights, while participation in challenges encourages innovation and creativity.

Apprenticeships: A path to employment
Hands-on experience through apprenticeships is a proven way to make education more relevant to the job market. Programme that allow students to apply classroom knowledge in real-world settings are crucial for closing the education-industry gap. The National Apprenticeship Promotion Scheme aims to increase apprenticeship participation by 25 per cent to address unemployment and better prepare graduates.

Communication skills: The key to success
In addition to technical skills, communication has emerged as one of the top abilities needed for professional success. According to a GMAT survey, communication ranks in the top five essential skills for today’s workforce. However, traditional educational systems often fail to teach students how to communicate effectively. This gap is where PlanetSpark steps in, offering specialised communication training to children and young professionals alike.

The PlanetSpark model: Transforming communication education
Founded in 2017, PlanetSpark initially focussed on life skills but soon pivoted to communication training, seeing a massive demand among middle-class Indian families. Today, millions of students from across India and the world use the platform to enhance their communication abilities. PlanetSpark offers customised learning experiences. Courses are designed to suit each student’s unique needs and are available for children as young as kindergarten through to working professionals. The platform’s 'learn, practice, perform' model combines live one-on-one sessions with self-paced learning, offering flexibility and accessibility, especially for students from smaller towns and international markets. From body language and speech delivery to creating YouTube channels and podcasts, PlanetSpark helps students build creative, confident and effective communication skills.

AI in education: Personalising learning
PlanetSpark is also at the cutting edge of education technology, using Generative AI to personalise each student’s learning journey. This helps tailor lessons to individual needs and keeps students on track toward mastering communication skills. With AI playing a larger role in many industries, storytelling and effective communication will be more essential than ever.

Preparing for the future job market
Success in today’s job market requires more than just technical knowledge. Whether you are a journalist, lawyer or manager, good communication can set you apart. By focussing on practical skills, institutions like PlanetSpark and Vedatya aim to prepare students for a future where soft skills are just as important as hard skills.

According to the World Economic Forum, a trend report on the future of work in 2020 represents skills like critical thinking, problem-solving and adaptability will be key to navigating an increasingly automated world. As AI and automation continue to change industries, students will need to cultivate emotional intelligence and digital literacy to remain competitive.

Global opportunities and career guidance
Globalisation has opened doors for Indian students to explore opportunities abroad. However, they must equip themselves with technical skills, language proficiency and cultural competence. Industries like technology, engineering and tourism are particularly in demand for global talent.

In such a dynamic job market, students often feel uncertain about their career choices. Institutions like Vedatya and PlanetSpark advise students to focus on their passions and take a strategic approach to their career paths through reflection, research and mentorship.

Affordable and accessible learning
PlanetSpark’s courses are priced around Rs 4,000 per month, making them accessible to a wide audience. With a structured yet flexible approach, students can fit learning into their schedules and develop the skills they need without disrupting their regular education.

Shaping the next generation of leaders
The future of work will demand not just technical skills but also the ability to communicate effectively, adapt to change and collaborate across disciplines. Institutions like Vedatya and PlanetSpark are ensuring that today’s youth are equipped with the skills necessary to succeed in an evolving job market. There is a need to reskill and upskill the youth populations leveraging the use of emerging technologies. By combining hands-on experience, personalised learning, and a focus on soft skills like communication, they are preparing India’s next generation of leaders to thrive in a global economy.

As automation and globalisation reshape industries, the skills gap can be bridged by these forward-thinking educational models, ensuring that Indian students not only survive but thrive in the future of work.


Musharrat Shahin

BW Reporters The author is working as correspondent with BW CIO

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