
Dr S S Mantha


Former Chairman AICTE and Adj Prof NIAS, Bangalore.

Latest Articles By Dr S S Mantha

Beware, Scamsters On The Prowl!

Stay Informed, Stay Cautious - A Guide to Defend Against Scammers

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The Ranking Reality

While accreditation process faces lack of standardisation, financial constraints, conflict of interest, rigging of evaluators; rankings face methodological limitations, subjectivity, insufficient peer review processes and narrow focus on prestige

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Welcome Foreign Higher Educational Institutions

Quality of education by FHEI in its Indian campus is at par with that of the main campus in the country of origin; though the regulation allows for the foreign campus to decide its fee structure, its transparency and reasonability can always be questioned

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Nick The Elitists

As English now, Sanskrit then, was seen as the language of the elite. Education in Sanskrit or others must have been debated even then. Education in local languages is key

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A Digital University: For Sharing

Sharing is good. With digital technology and a digital university, sharing is easy. That’s the way to go in future. However, it is also necessary that we do not forget our human connection.

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Does This Tech Give The Quietest Student A Voice?

The Ed-tech start-ups should rather focus on improving the inherent skills of young children rather than push them into career-oriented courses.

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Have The Horses Bolted From The Stables Under Lockdown

The argument is to understand if the boom in the ed-tech industry is temporary and only a pandemic phenomenon or if the Indian ed-tech companies have successfully interpreted the Ed Scene in the country.

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National Education Policy In Higher Education: Coming Full Circle

The NEP envisages broad-based, multi-disciplinary, holistic Under Graduate education with flexible curricula, creative combinations of subjects, integration of vocational education and multiple entry and exit points with appropriate certification.

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NEP - An Indian Ethos

The draft suggests a multi-disciplinary higher education system and a simplified university system, to emphasise on professional, humanities and pure science streams.

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Crisis Of Corona

Corona will not leave the readers any opportunity to fight, let alone the defenses, to continue attending the schools, keeping the children and staff and all those who serve the country to raise our economy and GDP vulnerable.

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