Work Options after Statistics

Economic Research & Analysis

A lot of Statistics graduates naturally veer towards a career in the Actuarial Sciences. This field uses numbers and stats to solve economic problems and study theories. The field of econometrics is the applied use of economic theories combined with statistical tools. This can be the perfect career move those who wish to do a Masters from the top universities in India or abroad. Professionals must make sure that they get some involvement in hands-on field study as well to accompany with the secondary research.

Marketing Research

As opposed to economic research, this does not hypothesize economic or macro problems. Instead, this field looks into issues to do with the respective markets. Firms such as Nielsen, MARS or Hansa look to recruit young analysts with a flair for numbers. In addition to statistics, the applicant must have good computer skills as specific softwares are used for this. If the aspirant can combine a qualitative understanding, then he/she will prove to be the ideal package for any such research firm. 

Business Analytics

This is another field where a flair for numbers helps immensely. An equal flair for IT skills is needed. This is one of the hottest and fastest growing fields in the country right now. Major players in this include the likes of WNS, Mu Sigma and Absolut Data. 

Training & Development

A lot of tasks require an understanding of statistics and their digital tools. Professionals in different fields may be good at their field, but may lack the understanding of statistics. So graduates of this field can attach themselves to training and development firms to provide timely training on statistical tools to key stakeholders. 


Many statistics graduates start off as assistants to professors. As statistics is a highly specialized field, these young interns or recruits assist their mentors in all research assignments. They design research questionnaires, interview schedules and then even analyze the data. 

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