Parenting While Working From Home

Parenting – something which can make or break your child’s future. This lockdown hit like a big wave we never saw coming, cities stood still, people were afraid. We are finally adapting a new pattern of life where you work from home and manage your child’s online school as well. Working from home has led to unusual timings and constant stress wherein you fail to pay much attention to the most important parts of your life, career and family.

Managing the work from home while being a parent is not an easy task. But, if the approach towards the child is in the right direction, things might turn out in your favour. There can be a situation where parents might find themselves trapped handling all the basic aspects of home, from morning breakfast to putting their children to bed. We never thought such a situation could arise someday, did we? That’s the fun part of life, it really is unexpected.

From managing the zoom meeting to your child’s lunchtime, from managing your child’s tantrum to getting stressed about the important project, from managing all the household to the child’s online school. All has made every parent on this planet grow stronger and positive in every aspect. It has also put another approach towards family and career. If you are on this approach, then you do not need any advice, you are creating an absolute example for other parents as well. But there are parents out there who are tackling every single minute happening around them on negative ground. They are majorly frustrated to find ways on how to handle themselves in such a unique situation, where parents working from home and children attending online school are under the same roof.

If a parent looks out realistically to manage both, parenting and working responsibilities, there are few suggestions and techniques which can make their lives easier.

1. Create a schedule

By having a set schedule for bedtimes, mealtimes and when you are most productive. This will avoid disrupting you and your family’s rhythm of the day. Creating a schedule for every small thing and following it accordingly will result in family’s harmony coupled with productivity.

2. Try out shifts

Working is not easy work while being a parent. But, you can make it work by thinking little out of the box. You can start creating work time blocks based on childcare and your deadlines or preferences. For example, if you are most productive in the morning, then you would work for a 4 hour shift from 8 am to noon, till then your partner should look after the kids. Later, the roles would switch.

3. Prioritize

Non-negotiables are your priorities in life and are defined by your values, principles and goals. If family time is a top priority for you, then you can block an hour for them at night to have dinner with them. If building relationships with your colleague is also important, then you can have a virtual lunch once a week.

4. Plan in advance

In addition to planning work week schedules on Sundays, one can also prep meals for the week. Even if you do not actually make the food, at least you can plan your meals and can be sure you have all the ingredients. This will result in consuming less time while making the menu's decision on a daily basis.

If you take every step and thought in a positive way every huddle will get off. Try being specific and disciplined, it will not only help you with your daily routine with the children but will also make every individual feel joyous.

Cheers to happy working and happy parenting!


Siddharth Bhatia

Guest Author The author is Co-Founder of Learning Through Fun

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