Multisensory Approach: A Great Method To Facilitate Interactions With Children

We’re living in a world that’s reliant on technology. From entertainment to information, it’s playing an increasingly pivotal role in influencing the very way in which we gauge & process information. When it comes to children though, the picture gets a bit stark. With an increasing reliance on screens for everything from learning to entertainment, we could easily be looking at a generation that’s more comfortable interacting with a screen over their peers.

And so we look.

We look for ways and means to engage our children better. We look for ways to aid their interactions. We look for ways to ensure their development. 

That’s where we could look towards a Multisensory Approach as the answer.

But, what exactly is a Multisensory Approach?

As the term suggests, a Multisensory approach is designed to engage multiple senses simultaneously.  It is the simultaneous use of visual, auditory & kinesthetic-tactile to enhance memory, aid learning & growth. Essentially, it combines what we see with what we hear and most importantly, what we do or feel.

Okay, how does it help?

The brain is hardwired to learn through the senses.

A Multisensory approach makes it easier for children to process information. And makes it more memorable for them too, allowing their minds to internalise the information & form a stronger connection with this information. Learning through the senses is more likely to create a lasting memory.  Which makes sense, right? After all, the brain does use senses to make sense of the world!

And how can we use it to facilitate interactions?

The Multisensory Approach not only helps kids grow mentally but also serves as a great way for parents to communicate with their children; to bond with them. 

Through Stories

Choose a story that has a ton of elements and a section you can sing along to. While reading it out, ask the child questions like, ‘What can you see in this scene?’ Or ask them to enact a few scenes, ‘Can you use your hands like a pair of binoculars?’ Belt out the tunes that are part of the storyline. The story will be unforgettable. The experience, even more so.
 Through Games

While learn-through-play is somewhat an overused buzzword, when done correctly, it provides a supercharged multisensory experience to children. Use charades, floor games, taboo, Pictionary, mime; they’re all engaging, they’re all fun and they’re all memorable.


Rahil Shah

Guest Author The author is Co-founder, Elemeno

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