Make Time To Chill Out With Your Children Before They Transition To Adulthood

Parenting is an art and it calls for a crucial part of balancing emotions. The connection between parent and kids is as essential to the parents as it is to the kids because that's what makes parenting worth all the sacrifices. It had been proven that we all need five positive interactions to every negative interaction to keep any relationship healthy. It's important to make sure we spend five times as much time in positive connection. So, if you are the new-age parents who are struggling in handling the kids, here’s a quick guide for you.  

12 hugs a day  

It has been proven that hugs rejuvenate our body. It is suggested to have 4 hugs a day for survival. We need 8 hugs a day for maintenance and in total, we need 12 hugs a day for growth. For kids, 12 hugs a day are important to recharge them and show them the love. It is important to smile with them and make eye contact to make them feel special.  

Play with them 

Whether it's indoor or outdoor, some leisure time with kids is important and make sure that you laugh with them for some time daily. Playing with them builds competitive spirit in them.  

No to technology 

In present times, our life is surrounded by technology. Today, kids begin their day with technology and end with it. While you are dealing with your kids, avoid using a cell phone, laptop and tablets. Also, develop a culture at home, when music system and television is switched off after a specific time. This is important for the physical and mental growth of kids. 

Connect before transitions 

When kids shift from childhood to teenage and from teenage to adulthood, it calls for extra care by parents. In this time, biological changes and society creates a great impact on the mindset of kids and can be everlasting. If you look in your child's eyes, use his/her name, connect with them and then get them to giggle, you'll give them a bridge to manage through a tough transition. 

Welcome emotions 

As kids start growing they start showing emotions clearly. It is the time when you need to welcome happiness and anger with same zeal. This will help you understand their mentality and then you can make them understand, what is right and wrong. You need to develop a lot of patience while handling their emotions.  

Listen and empathize 

It often happens that parents take the words of kids lightly. But, experts feel that it is important to be a good listener. As a mature parent, develop the habit of being a good listener, who knows the art of empathizing. This will also help you understand the psyche of your kid and at the same time kid will feel that he is being heard and noticed.  

Slow down  

We all are rushing. Not just the adults even the kids are in a rush. It is the role of parents to slow down the pace and make sure that they live in present with kids. Before going to bed, parents should talk to kids about the whole day, crack jokes and share food together. This will help kids understand the family bond and they will go to go bed with a happy face and relaxed mind. 


Pankaj Kumar Singh

Guest Author The author is Managing Director Franchise Bouquet (A division of Jalsa Ventures).

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