How to make best use of Summer Vacations- Class 12

In many ways, class 12 is the most crucial year of school life. Many would say, most crucial year of life itself. Academic performance this year determines the course of action to be taken over many years to come. That is where the summer vacations are a crucial period where students can plan out and take a lead over competition for success. This publication stresses on developmental activities at other years’ summer vacations but less so for 12th as this is the year where execution will count more than mere development. 

Following are some tips on what students may do to make best use of the summer vacations: 

  • Leisure& Enjoyment: We start off with this because this is perhaps the only time in the year, students will be allotted some time for enjoyment. The rest of the year will go down in so much stress that this period must be thoroughly enjoyed. A short trip with family or friends could expand one’s horizons and allow much needed breathing space. 
  • Newspaper Reading: This is one habit that students must get right into the thick of. At the end of this year, all students will go for entrance exams of one kind or the other. Almost all papers especially the ones in Aptitude will involve General Knowledge which is something that cannot be learn in a day. Students must thoroughly go through the headlines, national news as well as Editorial segment of leading papers. 
  • Coaching or Tuitions: This is the one time in the year that students will get ample time to finish off as much of their coaching syllabus as possible and get a head start over competition. Similarly, students facing problem in any particular subject, must solve it at this stage by going for extra tuitions if needed. 
  • Networking with Alumni/Seniors: Another thing that students can do is to network with alumni from their own school or immediate seniors that they know. This is because the alumni from the same school will be best placed to advise their juniors on college choices or streams. Their opinions will be totally objective and will best connect to what their own folk would require. In this digital age of social media, this activity can be done extremely fruitfully.

Short-term Internships/Live Projects: This is something not everyone will consider as the focus could then shift away from some crucial days. But if possible and reasonably comfortable, students could consider doing a short internship at some company. A certificate from any prestigious body could do wonders during college selections.  

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