How To Help Your Child Tackle First-day Jitters

Every child loves the summer because it is one of their favorite seasons and they get to enjoy time away from school. However, this time, the kids enjoy skipping school for a longer amount of time. Children had to learn from the comfort of their homes because of the Coronavirus outbreak. Everyone was confined to their homes, whether they were children or adults. However, now that students are returning to school, they might struggle and feel jittery on the first day. Here's how you may help them in overcoming it especially if it’s their first day at a preschool.

What your child should expect

Many preschools hold a meet-and-greet or orientation when parents, instructors and kids can mingle. Take your child around the classroom before the start of the school year and point out the various activities they will participate in every day. Your child will have an easier time if you talk about the games they will play. But don't oversell school and avoid making promises regarding uncontrollable matters like making friends on the first day of school. If your child's first experience doesn't live up to his expectations, the school may already appear to be frightening rather than thrilling. 

Help them make a friend

Sometimes one friendly face is all it takes to help a child transition to an unfamiliar environment. Ask the teacher or help your child find a more outgoing, confident student to introduce as a buddy who will help them learn about the new surroundings and routines. Partnering up with another child is the best shortcut to helping your child feel better in a new classroom. Suggest to the teacher that the buddies should stay connected during recess and lunch for at least the first week of school. After that, they can make sure that the child is interacting with lots of new people and making several new friends at school.

Separation anxiety

Help your child cope with separation anxiety by letting them bring a home memento. Send them a comfort item like their favorite teddy bear or a picture of you. Even a favorite book or a sippy cup with their preferred refreshment will work if they don't have a favorite doll or even a blanket. Although comfort items may seem insignificant, they can give children a genuine sense of security in an unfamiliar setting. But soon you will discover that they won't require it for very long.

Also, assure them that you will return soon. Reiterate that you returned just as you promised when you picked up at the end of the day. It will prevent you and your child from having to say your sad goodbyes at the beginning of every day's drop-off.

Give them responsibility

Giving the frightened child a small task to assist will help them feel valued and a member of the group. Hence, you can ask the teacher to make your child feel less jittery on the first day. It may be as easy as counting out colored construction paper or wiping the whiteboard. Children frequently desire recognition and attention from their new instructor; by demonstrating to them that you depend on them for a particular task, you are giving them purpose and confidence. Additionally, being occupied will aid in the child's ability to shift their attention from their current emotions.

On the first day of school, it can be tempting to stay, but it is found that most kids adjust more quickly if their parents say goodbye and go. Their expectations of what should occur each day will be confused if you wait at the door for too long or rush back if they call for you. One of the most difficult things you will ever have to do is to leave your weeping child. Be resilient, though and have faith that it will ultimately be for their benefit. 

Understand your child

The first day causes worry for the majority of children. They'll scream and act out. Most children are fine by the second day. However, if a few weeks go by and the child refuses to go, you need to take action. Learn the cause of your child's fear. Children frequently don't fully understand the feelings or issues they are undergoing unless you question them. Then they'll tell you that they're terrified that their mother won't be there to pick them up from school, that they're afraid to walk home or that other children will tease them.


Pankaj Kumar Singh.

Guest Author The author is MD, Cambridge Montessori Preschool and Daycare Private Limited

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