Empowering Educational Institutions With Admission Management: Suraj Sapra, NoPaperForms

The changing enrolment trends in educational institutions in our country is how an organization is impacting the change now from a company's perspective. 

When we look at the student life cycle from an organization’s point of view, the student life cycle is segmented into three broad segments, one is the input which essentially means the admission management part of it which starts from inquiry till enrollment. The second is, once the student is inside of the educational institution, it is about the management of the entire academic life service lifecycle, and the last is the output which relates to the placements in the management of the entire network.

NoPaperForms chose to solve the problem of management of admissions and educational institutions to improve the input for greater output. The organisations see the management across the education institutions very scattered, which starts from assumption based marketing spins. 

Suraj Sapra, CSO, NoPaperForms says, “We saw educational institution spending a huge amount of money generating leads to market themselves, and it was absolutely assumption driven. There was no data-driven approach to not just monitor, but optimize the marketing campaigns on run time basis. Whatever campaigns were running translated into some sort of an inquiry generation intent of the students now for an educational institution.”

The management of inquiries becomes very inconvenient and students need to correspond accordingly and be shared information notifications. There are a lot of missed opportunities consuming time and a whole lot of money.

Suraj Sapra added, “We evolved a comprehensive solution, which becomes effective right from the way an institution captures the inquiry of a student till the time the student matures to be a paid enrollment. It is a complete panel processed and managed to a single system. It takes care of your entire lead management, leads nurturing, application manager, post-application management along with the enrollments.”

There is a staggering 35 to 40 percent of overlapping of inquiry generation. So an institution used to end up paying for the same inquiry to multiple people and that is where the efficiency was required coming down to lead nurturing that NoPaperForms did. 

This is also abused that most of the time students are forced to change their phone numbers and email IDs because they are bombarded with these messages and emails. NoPaperForms strategically sends messages in a very personalized and an automated fashion without really bothering students and confusing students. 

NoPaperForms has processed around 2.4 million applications the last year through its platform across the universities in the country. The organization believes in giving a user experience to all the students who are excited to come to the platform and submit an application. 

The enrolment process with NoPaperForms becomes very fast in real-time and infallible because of no manual intervention and allows to map the entire and current enrollment cycle.

It is a comprehensive solution from inquiry to enrollment, empowering the different teams to work not in silos, but hand-in-hand with an accurate sequential flow of data across different teams without any dependency on anybody.


Rajguru Tandon

BW Reporters The author is a correspondent with BW Businessworld with keen interest in HR and employee welfare.

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