Delhi Tops In Average Spend Per Child With Rs 26,800, Under RTE

Indus Action, an organisation solving barriers in policy implementation to bridge the gap and enable sustainable access to legislated rights for disadvantaged families, released in its report that Delhi spent the highest amount per child per year to ensure that underprivileged got to study in private schools under Right to Education Act. This is part of their annual Bright Spots Report 2019 which was released during the three-day Sustain Develop Grow event held in New Delhi. 

The report stated that Delhi spent Rs 26,908 on primary students and Rs 26,708 for upper primary classes while Tamil Nadu spent Rs 25,000 to Rs 33,000 for different classes. The lowest spending was by Madhya Pradesh at Rs 4,419. 

In Delhi, the Private school participation rate in the implementation of the reservation was 69.7 percent, while MP and Tamil Nadu tops in this category with 99 percent and 75.3 percent respectively.

According to the report, the reimbursement rate in Delhi was 54.5 percent, Tamil Nadu 39.4 percent and Rajasthan 100 percent. And the reason for delays in government not releasing funds in time could be a lack of clarity regarding norms for making claims and non-submission of supporting documents. 

In the decade since the RTE Act was implemented, over 40 lakh children have got admission and are studying under the provision across India. “Our aim is to have enrolled one million underprivileged children under RTE in private schools by 2020,” said Tarun Cherukuri, Founder & CEO, Indus Action.

The yearly increase in children admitted/studying under Section 12(1)(c) has plateaued to 19 percent Year over Year since 2015-16.

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