World Environment Day: Education's Role In Sustainability

In honour of World Environment Day, BW Education reached out to various educational institutions to explore their contributions to environmental sustainability. Through a series of interviews and reports, we uncover the innovative and impactful measures these institutions are implementing to promote a greener future
World Environment Day

Today, on World Environment Day, we celebrate our planet and explore the crucial role educational institutions play in fostering a sustainable future.  BW Education delves into the innovative practices various schools and institutes are implementing to minimise their environmental impact and empower a new generation of environmentally conscious citizens. From digital learning platforms to solar energy and rainwater harvesting, these initiatives showcase a commitment to building a greener tomorrow. 

Rajeev Jindal, Department of Sustainable Energy Engineering, IIT Kanpur highlights several initiatives aimed at enhancing sustainability on campus. The institute is progressively shifting from paper-based systems to digital alternatives for administrative tasks, student feedback forms and assignment submissions, significantly reducing paper consumption.

Additionally, IIT Kanpur has implemented a unique recycling approach focusing on the reuse of bicycles, which helps minimise metal and rubber waste. This is achieved through on-campus cycle auctions, repair centres and a culture encouraging the use of existing bicycles. Furthermore, a campus-wide email system alerts the community about materials available for reuse before disposal, promoting responsible reuse practices.

IIT Kanpur is also making significant strides in renewable energy and resource conservation. With a 3MW solar power capacity, the institute currently generates about 7-8 per cent of its electricity needs from solar energy and is working towards a goal of generating 50 per cent in collaboration with government bodies. In water conservation, the campus operates a wastewater treatment plant that filters and reuses 1.3 million litres of water daily for garden irrigation, aiming to achieve water neutrality by 2030. The institute also fosters a cycling culture with extensive bike racks and encourages sustainable transportation within the campus. While carpooling is less applicable due to the campus's closed nature, a public bus service is provided for staff, students, and faculty, with future plans to convert these buses into electric vehicles to further reduce the environmental footprint.

Vivek Gupta, Member, Campus Facilities and Services Management Committee, IIT Mandi said, “IIT Mandi is actively engaged in conducting environmental audits and implementing green audits on campus. These efforts involve evaluating the campus's environmental impact and assessing the net carbon footprint of various units within the institution. The overall goal is to reduce greenhouse gas emissions and achieve zero carbon emissions within the next 10 years. These green initiatives not only help the institution assess its own environmental impact but also instil environmental consciousness among the campus community.

Furthermore, IIT Mandi aims to create a model framework for an eco-conscious campus and is exploring revenue generation through carbon trading. From bio-gas plant operations for food waste management to regular plantation drives for spreading awareness among students, faculty, staff and other residents of the campus, the initiatives taken by IIT Mandi demonstrate a comprehensive and proactive approach towards sustainability and environmental stewardship.

For its multifaceted endeavours, IIT Mandi was honoured with the prestigious Green University Award at COP 28 in UAE in December 2023.”

Pankaj Kalita, Associate Professor, Centre for Energy, IIT Guwahati, said, “IIT Guwahati has undertaken several green initiatives aimed at promoting sustainability and reducing environmental impact on campus.  The management of hostel kitchen waste is a key initiative, where waste is converted into energy and value-added products such as biofertilizer and biopesticide.

Additionally, paper and horticulture waste are transformed into bio pellets for energy generation, providing a sustainable energy source and effective waste management solution. Regular e-waste collection drives are organised to ensure the proper disposal and recycling of electronic waste, minimising its environmental impact.
The natural waste generated from dry leaves, horticulture products from the vast campus are also recycled and converted into vermicomposting.

Rainwater harvesting, grey water use for gardening and playground maintenance, sustainable water management are also practised in campus as part of environmental initiatives, IIT Guwahati is the only academic campus in the country with specifically marked bicycle lanes across the full campus and encouraging residents to use bicycles.
The institute also generates electricity from renewable energy sources, including solar and bioenergy, reducing reliance on non-renewable energy and lowering the campus's carbon footprint.

In the recent past, an art competition was conducted among school-going students to raise awareness about environmental issues and foster creativity in addressing sustainability challenges. These initiatives reflect IIT Guwahati's commitment to environmental stewardship and its efforts to create a greener, eco-friendlier campus.
Tree plantation, reforestation and restoration of ecology are part and parcel of the Prakriti club and Green Office of IIT Guwahati.” 

Deepanker Chakraborti, Director of Jaipuria Institute of Management, Indore campus, outlines the institute's sustainability initiatives aimed at reducing environmental impact. The institute has implemented various measures to minimise paper usage, including the use of digital classrooms equipped with advanced tools for interactive, paperless learning. Lecture notes, presentations and study materials are shared electronically and assessments are conducted through the Moodle learning management system, allowing for online submission and grading. Additionally, an extensive digital library provides access to thousands of e-books, journals and research papers.

To promote recycling, Jaipuria Institute has partnered with a local NGO and adopted the "3 R" principle: reduce, reuse, recycle. Recycling bins are placed across the campus to collect materials such as food waste, paper, plastic and clothing, with commendable participation from faculty, students and staff. Regular awareness campaigns and workshops further encourage community involvement in recycling efforts.

The campus has also installed several solar panels, which significantly reduce its carbon footprint and enhance sustainability. In terms of water conservation, the institute has a comprehensive plan that includes a sewage treatment plant (STP) for on-site wastewater treatment and reuse, as well as rainwater harvesting systems. The well-planted campus supports water conservation through reduced soil erosion, groundwater recharge and natural cooling effects.

Moreover, the institute promotes sustainable transportation by facilitating carpooling programmes and offering institute transportation, encouraging students and staff to opt for eco-friendly commuting options. These initiatives collectively contribute to a greener and more sustainable campus environment."

Shallu Babbar, Principal, GD Goenka High School said, “The school has implemented several initiatives to minimise environmental impact, including a centralised online parent portal for documents and Google Classroom for student resources, ensuring digital access to lesson plans, exams and presentations. Paper usage is strictly controlled, with printing paper distributed to teachers only upon approval and a partnership with a waste management company ensures responsible recycling of all paper and cardboard waste. The school has installed a solar photovoltaic system with grid synchronisation on most roofs and equipped almost all light fittings with high-efficiency LED lamps. Rainwater is gathered and directed back into the soil to replenish the groundwater, with three bore wells providing treated water for various uses and water-efficient fittings in toilets, ensuring no discharge of treated water outside the campus. Additionally, electric vehicles and bicycles are provided for on-campus movement, with limited internal combustion engine vehicle movement to specific requirements, promoting a more sustainable learning environment.

Siddharth Shahani, Executive President, Atlas SkillTech University said, “Atlas SkillTech University is a leading force in sustainability, integrating the SDGs into every aspect of our operations. From integrating ESG principles into our curriculum to being a proud member of the United Nations' Higher Education Sustainability Initiative, we are dedicated to fostering a generation of leaders who prioritise ethics, values, and a sustainable future for our planet. Our campus serves as a living example of our mission, with comprehensive sustainability initiatives such as solar panels, rainwater harvesting, sensor-based energy-saving technology, and LED lights. This dedication to sustainability is further demonstrated by our significant strides in research and innovation. In the past year, we've produced 454 research papers, secured 79 patents and intellectual property filings, and contributed 1365 book chapters, all contributing to a more sustainable and equitable world. At Atlas SkillTech University, we believe education is a catalyst for change, equipping future leaders with the knowledge and commitment to build a more sustainable world.”


Mayank Badhwar

BW Reporters The reporter works as Senior Correspondent with BW Businessworld

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