Why Career In Cybersecurity Will Be In Demand Post COVID-19

As the COVID-19 pandemic spreads across the world like wildfire, the businesses across nations are facing unprecedented challenges. Remote working has turned out to be a necessity for the employees, rather than an option, and the companies are looking for better ways to facilitate it.  

In such a situation, the information technology employees, the cybersecurity engineers, and the cybersecurity risk management jobs have the greatest significance as these are crucial for maintaining infrastructural viability. Experts of cybersecurity are playing an important role at present in supporting critical infrastructure, making the business organizations stay online, and helping the people to stay connected.  

And, going by the reasons explained below, the role of cybersecurity will gain greater traction in the post-COVID-19 era, making the career in this field more viable.  

Cybersecurity as a competitive advantage  

A considerable number of target consumers might be extra prudent and unwilling to change the payment method from the seemingly safe cheques or cash to e-payments or credit card processing, after the coronavirus era. Even in the most advanced nations, there is a sizable part of the population that does not rely on online payments even now. 

Hence, proper implementation, explanation, and advertisement of data protection, cyber hygiene, and following the industry standards of cybersecurity will offer assurance for this group of reluctant consumers. 

Regulators will scrutinize e-businesses more closely

In the race and rush for survival after COVID-19, the businesses in digital transition might just become a bit negligent, which may put their clients at risk. It is almost like keeping the tastiest treat hanging in front of the cybercriminals, and at the same time, creating a situation that the regulators and watchdogs will heavily condone.   

So, for ensuring secure and smooth digitization of the businesses, there is a need to allocate more regulatory boundaries to policing conformities with a number of federal and state data and privacy protection regulations. 

Cybersecurity startups to earn the favour of the investors

Several investors have already expressed their opinions about the tough times that the global economy is about to face and how companies across the world are going to take a hit. However, many investment funds have actually gathered new assets since the last year, and they will be able to stay afloat even after the incremental cuts by the national banks. 

Both private equity and venture capital investors will consider putting a part of their funds in the relatively risk-free cybersecurity sector when considered in light of the present pandemic. The previously unfading and flourishing sections of innovation that imply or require human contact might temporarily become less attractive, thereby surrendering their space to the competitive and more resistant cybersecurity players. 

Digitization will keep growing sustainably

A significant percentage of the present digital shift is likely to continue even after the threat of COVID-19 goes away. Of course, it’s not like people will continue working from home, but many of the common procedures will be shifted to the digital space to augment their effectiveness and efficiency. 

At the end of this pandemic, the dependence of businesses on everything digital will increase further, and the matters of privacy and data safety will come up in the forefront. With the multidimensional digitization that is about to come up, the cybersecurity professionals will have boundless opportunities for embodying their innovations and leveraging their creativity for sustainably benefiting the modern society. 

The careers in cybersecurity have always had a bright prospect, and it is only going to improve further as this pandemic ends. So, for the time being, let's follow the directives of national health authorities and wait for this time to be over.  


Gaurav Vohra

Guest Author The author is Co-Founder & CEO, Jigsaw Academy

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