Revolutionising Global Education

In Conversation with BW Education, Shiv Nadar University, Delhi- NCR and Arizona State University, U.S. discuss their Dual Degree Programme and Strategic Partnership
Partnership between Shiv Nadar University, Delhi-NCR and Arizona State University (ASU), U.S.

In conversation with BW Education, we delve into the strategic partnership recently announced between Shiv Nadar University, Delhi-NCR and Arizona State University (ASU), U.S. This collaboration is set to revolutionise access to world-class education by introducing innovative degree programmes and fostering a variety of collaborative initiatives. With Shiv Nadar University, Delhi-NCR recognised as an Institution of Eminence by the Government of India, this partnership aligns with its mission to expand global education opportunities for Indian students. Arizona State University, lauded as the most innovative university in the U.S. for nine consecutive years, brings its expertise to this alliance, which has already commenced with two undergraduate dual degree programmes in Computer Science and Business Data Analytics. Students in these programmes will experience the best of both worlds, studying for two years at each institution and earning dual degrees. 

We speak with Professor Ananya Mukherjee, Vice Chancellor, Shiv Nadar University, Delhi- NCR to explore the motivations behind this collaboration and its potential impact on students and faculty.


What motivated Shiv Nadar University, Delhi-NCR to pursue this strategic collaboration with Arizona State University and how do you envision it enhancing the university’s academic and research environment?

Shiv Nadar University, Delhi-NCR is driven by a strong mandate to establish international collaborations, aligning with its founding vision of offering a global education to its students. The partnership with Arizona State University (ASU) is a significant step in this direction, motivated by the desire to explore new models of collaboration that go beyond traditional student exchange programmes. Unlike the typical semester-long exchanges, this collaboration introduces a cohort-based dual degree programme, enabling the university to impact a larger group of students while providing them with a more immersive and comprehensive global experience. 

Moreover, the university recognises that academic and research excellence thrives on collaboration. By bringing together individuals from diverse backgrounds and contexts, especially in today's global landscape where challenges are interconnected, this partnership with ASU aims to foster innovative solutions and generate new knowledge. Shiv Nadar University, Delhi-NCR is deeply committed to nurturing such collaborations, as they are essential for advancing academic and research frontiers.


In what ways will this collaboration create opportunities for students and faculty at Shiv Nadar University, Delhi-NCR?

This collaboration offers significant opportunities for both students and faculty at Shiv Nadar University, Delhi-NCR. For students, it provides a unique blend of experiences, allowing them to benefit from the comforts and support of studying in India while gradually preparing for an international academic environment. Post-COVID, many students express a desire for a hybrid experience that combines local familiarity with global exposure. This program addresses those needs by enabling students to progressively build the skills and confidence necessary for thriving abroad. By the time they reach their third year and transition to Arizona State University (ASU), they will be well-prepared both academically and personally. Upon completing their studies at ASU, students will be equipped for global careers, having developed the competencies needed to succeed in a diverse, international setting. The collaboration is a step-by-step preparation process, empowering students to become successful global citizens.

We speak with Susan Edgington, Executive Director and Head of Operations for Global Academic Initiatives at Arizona State University, about the unique opportunity for mutual learning and global exchange created by bridging India's youngest Institution of Eminence with the largest public university in the U.S.


What attracted Arizona State University to partner with Shiv Nadar University, Delhi-NCR and what unique strengths do you see in this collaboration?

Shiv Nadar University, Delhi-NCR stood out to us as the highest quality institution we have encountered in India, making it an ideal partner to introduce the ASU name more prominently in the region. While the strengths of this collaboration will unfold as we progress, the partnership between India's youngest Institution of Eminence and the largest public university in the U.S. presents a unique opportunity for mutual learning. At ASU, we are focused on scaling our operations, but within our large institution, there are many smaller, specialised programmes. We anticipate that we can gain valuable insights from Shiv Nadar University, Delhi-NCR’s approach as a smaller institution and this exchange will enrich both our educational ecosystems.


How will this collaboration with Shiv Nadar University, Delhi-NCR contribute to Arizona State University’s global academic initiatives?

This collaboration with Shiv Nadar University, Delhi-NCR significantly advances Arizona State University's global academic initiatives in two key ways. First, with a student body of 1,50,000, of which 1,35,000 are domestic, ASU faces the challenge of providing global exposure to its primarily U.S. based students. Since only a small percentage of American students participate in study abroad programmes, this partnership allows ASU to bring more international students to its campus. By doing so, domestic students can engage with peers from diverse cultures and backgrounds, which broadens their perspectives, enriches classroom discussions and fosters a more global outlook.


Could you discuss how this collaboration will impact student and faculty exchange programmes between Arizona State University and Shiv Nadar University, Delhi-NCR?

This collaboration is designed to foster organic relationships between faculty members at Arizona State University (ASU) and Shiv Nadar University, Delhi-NCR (SNU). Each year, we select faculty from our partner institutions to be affiliated with ASU for a two-year period, allowing them to engage in deep collaboration with ASU faculty. By providing opportunities for faculty to connect, we aim to create an environment where meaningful research and publications can emerge from these partnerships over time. 


Mayank Badhwar

BW Reporters The reporter works as Senior Correspondent with BW Businessworld

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