We Emphasise AI's Role As Enabler, Not Replacement

Can you share in brief the USP of the Edtech services that you offer? 

Academia ERP by Serosoft is a robust, feature-rich, AI-enabled, analytics-equipped, user-friendly education management system / student information system-built on a cutting-edge and flexible architecture - that is powering 350 institutions across 24 countries today.

The unique attributes of our award-winning product are:

Comprehensive: Single-click Interface that provides an overview of all the departments and functions

Configurable: Highly dynamic and configurable as per the needs of the institution

Cloud-enabled: Delivered on the cloud and accessible by clients anytime, anywhere

Having multi-centre capabilities: Complete decision support system for the management with multiple report generation capability

Mobile app: Academia is mobile-ready with android and iOS apps for all the stakeholders

Unified: Integrated structure which reduces data redundancy and ensures process standardisation.

What inputs go into aligning the edtech services that you offer with what students need? What kind of assessment is done to understand the students needs? 

We align our services closely with the entire students life cycle from application to alumni. It is a meticulously orchestrated endeavour based on our experience from the past 15 years, based on the below practices.

We put students at the centre of everything we do, for they are the most important protagonists and beneficiaries of the education ecosystem. We employ a multifaceted assessment strategy comprising user feedback, data analytics around usage and adoption of the various features in our software and secondary market research. By continually gauging the evolving landscape of requirements in the education sector, we remain agile in our response to cater to the dynamic demands of students. 

With AI making deep inroads at every level, What will be the impact on teaching-learning and how to ensure that the creativity of students doesn't get impacted? What is your approach towards incorporating AI in learning? 

     The advent of AI heralds a transformative era in education, potentially reshaping the teaching-learning paradigm. We emphasise AI's role as an enabler, not a replacement, fostering personalised learning journeys and nurturing critical thinking skills.

    We have integrated AI at various levels in our products reflecting our philosophy of AI as an enabler to make the lives of students and academicians easy and empower them with Academia SIS through the following:

· AI-powered, Voice-Based Assistant SERA.

· ChatGPT Integration at remarks level and other content-based responses in assessments, to empower faculties and save their valuable time.

· AI-based analytics such as:

o Exam Result Analytics Metrics: Overall result rate, student patterns, etc.

o Comparison and benchmarking against targets or historical data.

     Our commitment to preserving students creativity amidst this AI integration is resolute and we are building tremendous features to empower students and academicians with this powerful tool as a facilitator, in their education journey.

How can the digital divide be bridged across the country? 

Here are certain initiatives we practice to contribute to bridging the digital divide on a geographical basis and age-barrier wise

Mobile-First Approach: We have a mobile-friendly application and content, recognising that smartphones are more accessible than computers and have higher penetration rates, in many areas.

User-Friendly Interfaces: We ensure that our ERP software is intuitive and user-friendly with advanced UI/UX, catering to users of all ages and tech backgrounds.

Data Privacy and Security: We are a GDPR-compliant & ISO-certified company and implement robust data protection measures to build trust, especially among older users who may be concerned about online security.

Teacher & Parent Training: We provide training and resources to educators and parents, helping them adapt to technology-enhanced teaching and operation methods.

Lighter Product Version: Our ERP has a lightweight version that operates efficiently on low bandwidth internet connections, ensuring accessibility in areas with limited internet infrastructure.

What has been your observation about the comfort of school teachers and parents in adapting to new technologies? 

Our observation of school teachers and parents adapting to new technologies has been encouraging. There is definitely a learning curve involved but by prioritising user-friendly interfaces, extensive training and ongoing support, we empower both educators and parents to seamlessly integrate technology into the educational ecosystem, ultimately fostering a more enriched and collaborative learning environment.

Also, Academia ERP creates a lot of touch points for all the stakeholders on various platforms like-WhatsApp, emails, push notifications, SMS, web-based notifications, etc., which leads to enhanced communication and collaboration.

What is your philosophy of education? 

As Nelson Mandela famously expressed, “Education is the most powerful weapon that we can use to change the world.”

At Serosoft, my team and i have taken this further by being firm believers in:

‘Technology is the most powerful weapon that we can use to change the world of education.’

Technology stands as the most formidable force capable of revolutionising the realm of education and we are doing our very best in this direction as one team.


Meha Mathur

BW Reporters The author works as Senior Associate Editor with BW Businessworld

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