Shift To Experiential Learning

The Jagran Social Welfare Society, of whose Executive Committee Abhishek Gupta is Joint Secretary and Vice Chairman, operates four franchises of Delhi Public School in Madhya Pradesh and a private university, Jagran Lakecity University in Bhopal.

Having founded a university from scratch, Gupta is now focusing on make technology integration more seamless in education as well as continuing international collaborations to ensure quality learning and changing the perception of private universities as a whole so they are looked as being at par with government institutes of higher education. He states, “A large number of students are studying in private higher education sector and the government needs to start providing grants and support as they are offering to government institutions.”

He adds that there needs to be an overall paradigm shift in education, where experiential learning is also granted so that students are exposed to various opportunities and can test and grow their skills along with interest in a given field.

The pandemic exposed many weaknesses and opportunities in the education structure. The most immediate challenge was that of digitisation. Since Gupta’s appointment, he had emphasised on the need for investment in a robust technological infrastructure. Due to this they were able to switch to live classes within days of lockdown. “I think at a group level we were lucky as we always believed that technology is a strategic component and it needs planning and investment the same way you invest in building and equipment,” comments Gupta while adding that ensuring systems are up to date at every stage is an ongoing process.

Gupta believes that quality education requires continuous improvement, research, constant upgradation and quality staff, which require high investment. “This is a self-governing sector,” Gupta argues, adding that the regulatory framework should be loosely controlled and only monitored by governing bodies so as to find and remove any form of malpractice.

Future plans for Gupta, on a macro level, include expansion of university and the globalisation of schools. On a personal level, Gupta wants to focus on teacher training and find the right blend for hybrid learning. As he always says, “Onwards and upwards with refuelled passion and zeal to achieve the next milestone.” The path for a successful institution is through hard work and continuous learning for all members, from faculty to students.


Vasudha Mukherjee

BW Reporters The author works with BW Education

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