Online Environment Is Purely Outcome-driven & Shall Change The Way We Look At Education Too: Vipul Sobti, Unthinkable Solutions LLP

How is the vision and USP of the different from that of other players in the same domain?

The difference lies in the purpose itself. We saw teachers overloaded, struggling to prepare for the online environment and confused students. School managements had partial information on their day-to-day online operations. Prevailing web conferencing platforms are meant for enterprise needs and hence doesn't solve these pain points of schools/colleges. ' is designed to reduce teachers' workload, enhance in-class quality, offer personalised attention to students and helping administrators with real-time reports and meaningful insights for effective management     

Our USPs are:   

a. Single virtual class for daily sessions. No more hopping between multiple links.

b. Automatic attendance. Peace of mind and focus while teaching.

c. Recorded sessions and study material for students anytime, anywhere.

d. Inbuilt presentation generator for teachers. Helping them prepare impactful presentations.

e. Integrated assignments and assessments to drive personalised attention.

f. Real-time reports and analytics for management

All of this results in 'personalised attention on students' and 'enhanced learning outcomes'. Post-COVID, online session quality and learning outcomes are key performance parameters of any school/college. These parameters will be the deciding factors for their reputation and future growth. partners with schools/colleges in this preparedness post-COVID to ensure their growth.

In a recent survey, teachers operating on are found to be 2 times happier and impactful than others. This will automatically drive better quality and equity for their school/college.

How is the launch of the application helping students in rural areas?

It's connecting them with their teachers and classmates every day, they have access to recorded lectures & study material (notes/assignments/tests/etc) available anytime. They are getting better-personalised attention because of system driven deep analytics. Teachers can focus on the special learning needs of individual students. In addition, there is no geographical limitation, students have access to the best resources and easy access to collaborate with talent anywhere.

How do you deal with issues like e-safety in virtual classrooms?

Safety and privacy has been our top priority while developing Hence, we have kept a pre-registration process along with OTP based entry into the classroom. The platform doesn't allow concurrent screen-views and only pre-registered authorised students can attend sessions. Teachers have complete control of the session to keep it uninterrupted and focused. Features like 'Automatic Attendance' keep accurate records of student entry and exit, their attendance and duration of stay.

Put together, it ensures peace of mind for teachers, students and administrators. Now they can operate without any deviations, interruptions or safety concerns.

How virtual classrooms let the best educators teach countless students?

It's not about the best educators only. It's about educators with the best preparation also for an online environment. Preparation is the key! Indeed, it's an opportunity for educators. The online environment is purely outcome-driven and shall change the way we look at education too. Teachers need to prepare for student engagement in this environment. This needs hard work along with the right set of training and intelligent tools. has an inbuilt content generator, teachers are using this tool to create impactful presentations and study material. With this preparation, their sessions are much more engaging and students connect more with such teachers. It's inbuilt assignments and assessments produce deep analytics for each student, helping their personalised focus. Students connect more with teachers who offer quality sessions and offer personalised attention. Our training team helps teachers in using the platform to its fullest potential.            

How coaching centres benefit from the virtual classroom?

For coaching centres, the market is wide open. Physical infrastructure is no more a barrier! Virtual classes are allowing teachers to operate with more students, being more creative and offering personalised attention.

Students are well exposed, equipped and have already adapted to online learning. Now teachers have to prepare for their online presence. In this scenario, coaching centres/teachers need the right collaborations for quality delivery. equips teachers for quality sessions and smooth handling. We help our partner institutions with proper training as well.

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