Exploring Career Prospects Of M.Tech In Robotics

In an exclusive interview with BW Education, Dr. Bhaskar Tamma, Professor and Head of the Department at Mahindra Ecole Centrale College of Engineering. Explores the career prospects and advantages of pursuing an M.Tech in Robotics. Dr. Tamma sheds light on the multidisciplinary nature of the program, its potential for research and innovation, and the myriad opportunities it offers for those with an M.Tech in Robotics. Edited excerpts from the interview.   

What are the career prospects for individuals with an M.Tech in Robotics? 

India uses robots in a wide variety of ways. But most importantly, it is growing. Robotics technology is used in a variety of disciplines, including electronics, nuclear physics, medicine, and biomedicine. Since they help speed up processes and reduce human error, robotics are also in high demand in the industrial industry. The manufacturing industry, comprising the industries of automotive, mechanical, communication, food, and home appliances, uses robotics. 

Individuals with an M.Tech in Robotics have promising career prospects in various industries and sectors. The demand for robotics professionals is rapidly growing as industries recognize the potential of automation and intelligent systems. Graduates with an M.Tech in Robotics can pursue careers in research and development, product design, manufacturing, automation, healthcare, defense, and even in emerging fields like autonomous vehicles and space exploration 

Career prospects for individuals with an M.Tech in Robotics can be:- 

  • Programmer Of Robotics 

  • Robotics Engineer 

  • Robotics Technician  

  • Research 

  • The automation industry  

  • Aerospace engineering 

How does an M.Tech in Robotics enhance your knowledge and skills in the field?   

M.Tech provide you with the opportunity to get in-depth understanding of the subject matter. This will enable you to get experience in a field that is not attainable with a B.Tech. And you'll have an edge over your rivals because to your improved subject understanding. The intensive industry excursions, eminent leader lectures, internships, and other aspects of the program assist students build their professional networks. 

An M.Tech in Robotics equips individuals with a comprehensive understanding of the principles, theories, and practices in the field of robotics. It enhances knowledge and skills through a combination of theoretical coursework, hands-on laboratory experiences, and industry-oriented projects. Students gain expertise in areas such as robotic systems, control algorithms, computer vision, artificial intelligence, machine learning, and human-robot interaction. This multidisciplinary approach fosters a deep understanding of robotic systems and prepares individuals to address complex challenges in the field. 


How does an M.Tech in Robotics provide opportunities for research and innovation in the field?  

Graduate students can gain practical experience with industrial robots through the M.Tech. in Robotics degree. The cutting-edge facilities concentrate on the overall development of robots. The programme is created to prepare students for the workplace. Students are introduced to the most recent industry standards and software. The multidisciplinary programme emphasises practice-based learning and ongoing industry projects. 

An M.Tech in Robotics offers abundant opportunities for research and innovation. Students have the chance to work on cutting-edge research projects and contribute to advancements in the field. The program encourages students to explore new algorithms, develop novel robotic architectures, and investigate emerging technologies. With access to state-of-the-art laboratories and research facilities, students can collaborate with faculty members and industry experts to push the boundaries of robotics. This research-oriented environment nurtures creativity, critical thinking, and the ability to contribute to the development of new knowledge and technologies. 


What are the potential industry applications of an M.Tech in Robotics?   

The industrial robot sector is the one where robots are used the most frequently and where there is the most demand for professionals with robotics experience. With a CAGR of 15.1 per cent, the industrial robots market is anticipated to grow at an amazing rate and surpass USD 66 billion by 2027. Loading and unloading, arc welding, spot welding, painting, investment casting, etc. are a few examples of industrial robot uses. Industrial robots are comparable to people in that they have numerous joints, articulations, and manipulators that may be programmed to carry out a particular task swiftly and effectively. 

An M.Tech in Robotics opens a wide range of industry applications. Graduates can find employment in industries such as manufacturing, automotive, aerospace, healthcare, logistics, entertainment, agriculture, and defense. They can contribute to the development of industrial robots, medical robots, autonomous vehicles, drones, exoskeletons, robotic prosthetics, and intelligent systems for various applications. The versatility of robotics allows individuals to apply their skills and knowledge across diverse sectors, shaping the future of automation and technology-driven industries. 


What are the advantages of pursuing an M.Tech in Robotics in terms of salary and job opportunities?   

Since millennials were raised in a technologically advanced world, it is an integral part of their daily lives. As the robotics industry continues to grow and more industries use robots to conduct business, millennials will have more possibilities to choose a profession in the robotics industry in the years to come. According to Recruiter.com, a robotics engineer's annual compensation may range from USD 64,000 to USD 96,000 based on education and experience. Additionally, according to the U.S. Bureau of Labour Statistics, employment of robotics engineers will rise by 5 per cent between 2016 and 2026. 

The advantages of pursuing an M.Tech in Robotics extend to salary and job opportunities. The field of robotics is experiencing substantial growth, and skilled professionals are in high demand. As a result, individuals with an M.Tech in Robotics often command competitive salaries and benefit from a wide range of job opportunities in both established companies and startups. Furthermore, the interdisciplinary nature of the program equips graduates with a unique skill set, making them attractive to employers seeking individuals who can contribute to the advancement of robotics and automation technologies. 

How does an M.Tech in Robotics enable you to work on cutting-edge technologies and advancements in the field?  

Answer:- Robotics is a multidisciplinary technology that integrates mechanical, electrical, computer science, and a variety of other disciplines. Robots are finding their way into a variety of industries thanks to better programming and invention that are either too risky, boring, or inconceivable for humans to enter. In the 20th and 21st centuries, robotics has made significant advancements. 

An M.Tech in Robotics equips individuals with the necessary knowledge and skills to work on cutting-edge technologies and advancements in the field. This program provides a comprehensive understanding of various aspects of robotics, including robotic design, control systems, artificial intelligence, machine learning, computer vision, and human-robot interaction. With this knowledge, M.Tech graduates can contribute to the development and implementation of state-of-the-art technologies in robotics. 

Furthermore, the M.Tech curriculum often includes hands-on projects, research work, and industry collaborations, allowing students to gain practical experience and exposure to real-world challenges. They learn to analyze complex problems, develop innovative solutions, and apply advanced techniques to design and develop advanced robotic systems. This enables them to stay updated with the latest advancements and emerging trends in robotics, empowering them to work on cutting-edge technologies in various domains such as industrial automation, healthcare robotics, autonomous vehicles, and more. 

What networking and collaboration opportunities are available for M.Tech students in the robotics industry?  

India has a thriving IT industry and is being known as a centre of innovation. Indian robotics researchers and students now have the chance to work together with international partners and gain knowledge from their experiences. The Indian government has started a few efforts to encourage robotics research and development in light of the technology's potential. This involves supporting research initiatives, creating centres of excellence, and encouraging partnerships between academia and business. 

M.Tech students in the robotics industry have access to numerous networking and collaboration opportunities. These opportunities can significantly enhance their learning experience and career prospects. Here are some avenues for networking and collaboration available to M.Tech students in the robotics field: 

a) Research Collaborations: Many educational institutions and research organizations actively collaborate with industry partners on robotics projects. M.Tech students can participate in these collaborations, working alongside experts from academia and industry. Such collaborations provide exposure to real-world challenges, access to cutting-edge facilities, and opportunities to contribute to innovative research and development. 

b) Industry Internships: M.Tech programs often include mandatory or optional industry internships. These internships provide students with valuable industry experience, allowing them to work with leading companies and gain practical insights into the robotics industry. Internships also enable students to expand their professional networks and establish connections with industry professionals, which can be beneficial for future career opportunities. 

c) Professional Conferences and Workshops: Robotics conferences and workshops are excellent platforms for M.Tech students to network with industry professionals, researchers, and experts in the field. Attending and presenting research papers or projects at these events allows students to showcase their work, receive feedback, and establish connections with like-minded individuals. These interactions can lead to collaborative research opportunities, industry contacts, and future collaborations. 

d) Robotics Competitions: Participating in robotics competitions, both national and international, provides M.Tech students with a chance to showcase their skills, creativity, and problem-solving abilities. Competitions bring together participants from various institutions and industries, fostering networking opportunities and facilitating knowledge exchange. 

e) Professional Networking Platforms: Online platforms and communities focused on robotics provide avenues for M.Tech students to connect with professionals, researchers, and enthusiasts in the field. Platforms like LinkedIn, research forums, and robotics-specific online communities enable students to engage in discussions, seek advice, and establish connections with individuals working in diverse areas of robotics.


Meha Mathur

BW Reporters The author works as Senior Associate Editor with BW Businessworld

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