“Industry-Academia Relationship, Like A Well-Choreographed Dance”: IIM-A Director

Business schools not only provide wings to career goals but also help you clarify and discover tools and opportunities for a better tomorrow. In his keynote address at the BW Education B-school Summit & Awards 2023 in New Delhi on December 21, Bharat Bhasker, Director, IIM Ahmedabad, enlightened the gathering on the dynamic nature of management institutes. 

He emphasised that a business school is a reflection of the dynamic changes occurring in the industrial world, encapsulating the evolving landscape of the manufacturing and service sectors. As technology progresses, so must management education, aligning itself with the advancements in these industries. He likened the relationship between industry and academia to a well-choreographed dance where each takes turns leading, ensuring relevance and societal advancement. 

Addressing the imperative to mirror the new reality in management education, Bhasker highlighted the transformative impact of technology over the past few decades. In the last 20–30 years, the industrial and service sectors have undergone significant transformations. He pointed out the paradigm shift in the top 10 companies globally, with seven of them now specialising in digital solutions, a stark contrast to 2007. 

Examining the evolution in manufacturing, the speaker showcased the transition from mass-production assembly lines to a customer-centric approach. This shift allows for tailored manufacturing, aligning products with customer needs. The management sector, post-50s, has pivoted towards optimising assembly lines, projecting scalability, and enhancing quality control. The introduction of digital technology, including early robots, has further revolutionised the landscape, with fixed robots undertaking tasks that are physically exhausting or hazardous for humans. 

He provided examples of manufacturing companies like Mercedes characterised by a harmonious collaboration between humans and sensor-equipped robots. These robots are sensitised to human presence, ensuring seamless cooperation between the two. “Robots are fulfilling orders by scanning and identifying items even in the heap of products,” he added. 

While discussing the service sector, he pointed out the critical role of visibility in supply chains and inventory management. Highlighting the significance of aligning inventory with demand and promptly replacing underperforming products, he cited Walmart as a noteworthy example. By adopting a visibility approach, Walmart achieved remarkable scalability, expanding operations internationally and establishing a successful presence across numerous countries. 

Discussing the role of management education in this context, he stressed the need for a responsive approach. The curriculum must address the global dynamics of platform businesses, outlining actionable steps for internationalisation. He underscored the importance of continuous evolution to align with advancements across various sectors of the economy. 

He underscored the potential of exchange programmes within prestigious global universities. In the light of current hybrid educational landscape, there is a timely opportunity for us to explore and establish global educational initiatives at a fraction of the traditional cost. He emphasised the need for a pragmatic and effective approach to online education, advocating collaboration among stakeholders to share insights, leverage collective capabilities, and enhance our competitive standing on a global scale. Drawing parallels, he cited the transformation of Phoenix, once a simple distance education programme, into a leading online education platform. 

He suggested collaboration among institutions, and developing next-gen online learning with a realistic and immersive approach beyond traditional screen-based methods. 

Highlighting the forthcoming challenges in management education, he underscored the country's strength in adopting a robust curriculum. However, he also pointed out that individual financial constraints hinder the ability to adapt and compete effectively. He advocated for collaborative efforts, suggesting that partnerships among education technology firms can create an environment where business schools can collectively leverage resources.

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