Unlocking Employment Pathways With AI-powered Solutions

By leveraging data and personalised skill development pathways, Talisma aims to empower students with the knowledge and tools to secure their dream careers

It was an afternoon of discussions on how technology can revolutionise the education sector. There is an absolute need to bridge the skill gap to fuel careers and the economy in India. As per Economist Impact Survey findings, 67 per cent of respondents prioritise digital skills as the foremost requirement for employees. Analytical skills closely follow, with 46 per cent considering them crucial, while self-management skills are deemed essential by 45 per cent of participants.

Raj Mruthyunjayappa, Chairman and CEO, Talisma, stood before the audience, ready to share insights on the intersection of technology and education. Drawing from his extensive experience spanning 28 years in the field of education technology, Mruthyunjayappa reflected on the ever-evolving nature of educational challenges and the innovative solutions required to address them.


The employment dilemma

Mruthyunjayappa posed a thought-provoking question to the audience: "What percentage of students do you think are ready for employment after completing a three-year degree programme." The staggering statistic he revealed was a mere 12 per cent. Juxtaposing this with the existence of 5 crore listed job opportunities in India, the disconnect became evident — students were struggling to secure employment despite the availability of job openings. Commenting on the dynamic field of employment, he stated, “Industry keeps moving, jobs keep moving, skills keep moving.”


The power of AI and data

He highlighted that Talisma embarked on a data-driven journey, leveraging AI and language models to analyse crores of job postings. Their AI system built a comprehensive skill database, mapping the required skills for various job roles against the skills imparted by educational institutions. By identifying the skill gaps, Talisma aims to bridge the divide between academia and industry.


Personalised employment pathways

Introducing their flagship product, ‘Jeevika’ (meaning 'livelihood'), Mruthyunjayappa unveiled a personalised employment pathway solution. Taking the example of a BCom student aspiring to become a financial analyst in Bangalore and earning a specific salary, the system would prescribe the additional skills required to secure that particular job role. This dynamic approach continuously updates as industry demands evolve, ensuring students remain aligned with the ever-changing job market.

The advantages of Jeevika extended to both students and educational institutions. Students could track their ‘employment readiness index,’ gauging their preparedness for specific job roles. With a click, they could apply for positions, their profiles tailored to the job requirements. Institutions, on the other hand, gained insights into the pedagogical adjustments necessary to align their curricula with evolving industry needs.

Mruthyunjayappa underscored the potential of AI-powered solutions in solving the pressing issue of employability in India. By leveraging data and personalised skill development pathways, Talisma aims to empower students with the knowledge and tools to secure their dream careers while enabling institutions to stay ahead of the curve in a rapidly evolving job market. “AI, technology and all these platforms can be a great way to solve some of the largest problems that exist for us in India. And we're going to build Indianised solutions to solve Indian problems,” he added.

He was addressing the NexGen Edu Summit 2024, organised by ICFAI Foundation for Higher Education in association with BW Education, on 29 April 2024 in Bangalore.


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