Tussle Between Academics And Academicians In Coronial Era

The coronavirus outbreak across the world has not only been a pandemic testing people's resilience but has also been a wake-up call for all the businesses. The health crisis has aggravated in a snap and has been spreading exponentially while changing the traditional ways the world was accustomed to working in. One of the sectors being severely affected by the virus stands is the educational industry. The industry is seeing a drastic turn of events which is affecting the young minds and their ambitions by every passing day; thus resulting in a tussle between the academics and the academicians.  

Locking out education? 

With the pandemic catching the country off-guard and resulting in a nationwide lockdown, the educational institutions are trying their best to stay connected to the students as they collaborate with technology. The ed-tech sector is seen catching pace as the universities adapt to the current times, adopting virtual study culture. Online classes have taken over physical classrooms, and the colleges are now going entirely virtual with their processes, including registrations of a new batch and video interviews of students and the staff. These stand-by adjustments are contributing to the current scenario proactively. 

The tough road 

Although the institutions are endeavouring to shrink the world and conduct regular lectures, there is still a gap between the students and the academicians. A huge chunk of people in the country is not equipped or privileged to have an internet connection or PCs/Laptops at their places to continue their education without any disruption caused by the pandemic. This is where the syllabi take a halt when the academicians and professors are unable to reach out to all their students. Also, even if the students have certain facilities such as the net and a PC, the bandwidth of the signal and the connectivity are the two factors causing trouble and creating obstacles. However, the current circumstances call for strong measures and the universities are going all out on helping students with any kind of external help they require along with educating them in different ways. 

Professors on edge? 

The mentors have been relentlessly working not only to educate their students in this crisis but also monitoring their progress by continuous and consistent evaluation and tests. Along with the educational front, the teachers and professors are observing the UGC guidelines to provide mental and emotional support to their students and prevent the coronavirus pandemic from leaving a severe impact on their psyche. Even though the mentors have been guiding students holistically while focusing on their health comprehensively, there still remains an unresolved issue - the one where they are unable to cater to their families and focus on uplifting their own spirit, in order to refuel the students'. The times are tough not only for the industry as a whole but also for individuals, including students, mentors and their families. Everyone seems to be on burnout with the new normal taking over education. The issue is being taken seriously by the universities and thus providing mentors with online support groups and healthcare groups online to share their load and stress. Virtual workshops being organised for the faculty is also working to the benefit and easing the pressure off of the teachers. 

The path ahead 

The COVID-19 health hazard has made the educational sector lose enough time and lag in their curriculums, even after the ed-tech attempts and virtual endeavours to tread ahead, It is only wise for the educational institutions and universities to think of the post-coronial era and derive ways to make up for the lost opportunities. Some of the ways which could be adopted to pave a new, healthier path which leads to educational reform and literacy are:  

  • Plan of action

It is imperative for the tutoring staff to sit together and come up with a plan of action which will deal with not only the syllabus and the examinations but also the various approaches that they can use to make the students feel at ease after the pandemic. It's essential to keep in mind their mental and emotional health as well instead of narrowing down the perspective to theoretical teaching and classes. 

  • Incorporate interactive learning 

One of the ways to get back in routine after COVID-19 is to make the educational sessions interactive, learning where the students' stand on, to sync with their psyche and comprehensive quotient only to be on the same page. Resonating with students while keeping classes communicative will eventually increase efficiency and help them understand better. This will also help the mentors to pick up pace in their curriculums while teaching quality as they are the torch-bearers of the future who are contributing to the sector globally. 

  • Abandoning virtual culture? 

It will be thoughtful for the faculty to create a blend of virtual study culture with the physical one, not only it will prep the students for the situations/crises to come, but also help them match pace with global ways of education, allowing more exposure. Opting for a systematic approach and alchemising it with various ways of learning will only serve as a catalyst for the universities’ success.  

The steps taken by the universities are not only resulting in the betterment of the system but also helping the academicians grow more compassionate along with honing their professional skills. The virus is undoubtedly shaking us all drastically, but the real question isn't why the pandemic is tossing us over, but instead how we will consciously choose to respond it. The most productive ways to deal with the tussle between academics and academicians is to chalk out a plan and stick to it while striving for success with hope in our hearts. 


Dr DNS Kumar

Guest Author The author is Vice-Chancellor, Ansal University

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