Skill India Digital Hub Revolutionises Skill Development

Emphasising the necessity of lifelong learning, Jayant Chaudhary highlights the transformative potential of the AI-powered Skill India Digital Hub (SIDH) during the SKILLS Bridge Masterclass

NSDC, ILO, World Bank and UNESCO today jointly organised the SKILLS Bridge Masterclass focusing on the topic— AI-Powered Skill India Digital Hub (SIDH) for a Future Ready Workforce 

Jayant Chaudhary, Hon’ble Minister of State (Independent Charge), Ministry of Skill Development and Entrepreneurship, highlighted the importance of digital infrastructure and collaborative learning models in promoting lifelong learning for the future of work. The SKILLS Bridge Masterclass Series, organised by the National Skill Development Corporation, International Labour Organisation, World Bank and UNESCO, attracted over 120 delegates and 3000 participants. The discussion focused on leveraging digital infrastructure, work-based learning models and industry-academia partnerships to enhance skills and lifelong learning ecosystems.

The webinar featured prominent figures from various sectors, including Dr Huaja Ramatulai Wurie, the Minister of Technical and Higher Education in Sierra Leone; Ruben Sargsyan, the Deputy Minister of Labor and Social Affairs in Armenia; Atul Kumar Tiwari, Secretary of the Ministry of Skill Development and Entrepreneurship; Ravi Peiris, the OIC of the ILO Decent Work Team for South Asia and Country Office for India; Dr Borhene Chakron, Director of Policies and Lifelong Learning at UNESCO; Debjani Ghosh, President of NASSCOM, India; Shabnam Sinha, Lead Education Specialist, World Bank; Dr. Ashwani Aggarwal, Workgroup Leader at ILO Geneva; Ved Mani Tiwari, CEO, NSDC International and Shreshtha Gupta, CTO.

Ved Mani Tiwari, CEO, NSDC and MD, NSDC International and Shreshtha Gupta, CTO, NSDC and NSDC International showcased the SIDH platform to the international delegates and the audience. The platform was praised as the demonstration highlighted SIDH's role in streamlining skills training with features like swift registration and AI-powered job exchanges, aiming to bridge the skill gap and empower individuals with future-ready skills.  

During a panel discussion on expanding the adoption of Skill India Digital Hub, Dr Haja Ramatulai Wurie, Hon’ble Minister of Technical and Higher Education, Government of Sierra Leone said, “Sierra Leone's youth have immense potential for digital learning, but limited smartphone penetration, internet connectivity, electricity and digital infrastructure hinder progress. Leveraging centers of excellence, robust curricula, and sector mapping can help us navigate this evolving landscape. Digital platforms like the Skill India Digital Hub exemplify how to converge accessibility, reach and education in a dynamic environment.” 

The webinar discussed the challenges and opportunities of digital transformation, focusing on Skill India Digital Hub (SIDH), a Digital Public Infrastructure (DPI) that revolutionises learning and skill development. It highlighted innovative digital technologies for skilling, reskilling and upskilling initiatives, helping India adapt to the dynamic job market and tackle global challenges effectively.

The webinar discussed using digital technology in Skills and Lifelong Learning systems, highlighting India's role in global skills transformation. It highlighted India's scalable Skill India Digital Hub (SIDH) as a model for sustainable skill enhancement, crucial for inclusive growth—the session aimed to foster a comprehensive understanding of digital advancements in learning and skill development.


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