Relevancy: Only Way To Dodge Obsolete Knowledge

Today’s generation lives in a digital era, where technologies are engrained in all facets of life, be it institutional, commerce economic, political, educational, personal or social. The digital age has far-flung implications on the way one obtains and digests knowledge to cull out actual learnings. The burgeoning desire to stay updated, connected, visible and exposed to the universe has become an integral part of today’s fast–paced contemporary lifestyle. As a result, parenting and teaching in this disrupted age of machine learning and digital environment is subject to ponder upon. 

The methodology to shape up new fostering brains in this digital epoch is a vital area of concern and demands a solicitous approach. Imparting knowledge in this info age has multiple avenues, but real challenge is to restore these key learnings without memorizing. This opens the gateway for categorical learning concepts that assures gradual knowledge acquiring process through organized and encoded category information. The primary ways to dodge in this era is by learning and up-skilling as well as exploring the expertise for a long run to lead the path of leadership by realigning skills from the existing leaders.

Learning and up-skilling: Knowledge attaining is a constant process of self - educating where today’s learning will be obsolete knowledge tomorrow. To avoid obsoleteness, one has to adopt perpetual learning, relearning and unlearning through Upskilling. The world has realized the significance of reskilling as means for continual growth in the world of survival. Continual acquiring new skill sets and retarding obsolete ones will empower one to grow at the pace at which the world is unfolding dynamically with the below-mentioned three-fold strategy.

Techniques: The teaching and coaching methodology needs a complete rejig where rote learning is outdated and stands no relevance as it has no practice. The practice of self-learning and self-assessment modus of growth operandi will augment the conscious choice of learning for the progression of children. They must be cohesively exposed to vital skills like cognitive, technical and organizing for enriching their formative years of learning.

Concepts: The students are exposed to passive, analogy or conceptual learning which helps to build intellectual intelligence, but also critical thinking, analysis and research are growing skillsets in demand. The dearth of emotional intelligence with people’s management or networking skills is gaining ground in today’s artificial intelligence world. Such skills harness children to the disruptive world which can be imbibed through practical application and not a pedantic approach towards education.

Professional Experience: Internship and apprenticeship provide a breeding grounds for students to cultivate and nurture such valuable skills and strengthen their core skill sets beyond academics trumpets. 

Explore Expertise: Management is about doing things in the right manner, but leadership is all about doing the right things. Today’s competitive world needs leadership qualities who can lead from the front, be responsible, and possess sharp acumen of risk management and enabler for team building. 

Categorical Development: One inculcates the habit of decision making, responsiveness, and navigating unchartered territories through the ability to cope up. Parents should realize the significance of such a critical skill set which is categorically pivotal to the exponential growth of the young demographic. The educational institution should also carve out modern curriculums that sharpen the technical skills among the varied talent pool to bring out niche development. Freedom to explore their interest, abilities and achieve their dreams is best for bolstering their knowledge. 

Another major focus needs to be realigning on comprehensive and holistic life-long learning. The hunger for more self-learning and self-assessment needs to inculcate as practice of more constructive knowledge. A more collaborative approach designed towards instructional and inquiry model will harness more cross curriculum learning, project based learning and self-regulated flexi learning making traditional rote learning obsolete. The continual learning through upskilling will enhance relevance to workforce industry and promote inclusive growth. Staying relevant is the only way to dodge becoming obsolete.


Dr Niranjan Hiranandani

Guest Author The author is Provost of HSNC (Hyderabad Sind National Collegiate) University "Sincerity and commitment to consistent efforts is the recipe to achieve success and great heights." This quote very aptly sums up Dr Niranjan Hiranandani’s ‘Magic Mantra’. Best known as a visionary and Industry think-tank; achieved another milestone in his professional life - his thesis on real estate has resulted in the degree of Doctor of Philosophy in Management conferred on him. He recently had sworn in as National President for NAREDCO. A business leader with the desire to rewrite India’s real estate story, Niranjan Hiranandani is arguably, India’s ‘builder extraordinaire’, the person credited with changing Mumbai’s skyline. A qualified Chartered Accountant, he has virtually revolutionized the real estate industry in the country.

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