Our Goal Is To Drive Impactful Educational Changes

Vinesh Menon, Co Chair, CII National Education Committee and CEO – Human Development & Social Impact, Ampersand Group, highlights the CII’s pivotal role in fostering collaboration in driving positive changes in K-12 education
Vinesh Menon

The Confederation of Indian Industries, through its National Education Committee, plays a significant role in policy recommendations in higher education and K-12 level, accreditations and in facilitating upgradations in education at both levels. In an interview to BW Education, Vinesh Menon, co chair of the committee, describes the current focus areas. Edited Excerpts: 


What initiatives is CII undertaking to enhance K–12 education and how are they facilitating positive changes in this sector? 

The CII, being a confederation representing various sectors of Indian industry, is now directing its attention towards K–12 education, given its current importance. We aim to establish ourselves as a central platform where key stakeholders converge to strategise collective actions for educational improvement. Our focus extends beyond just schools; we are engaging academia, service providers, government bodies & industry players to collectively address challenges and implement initiatives effectively. Take, for instance, the National Education Policy (NEP); we are working on ensuring its effective implementation across all schools, including those in tier two, tier three and tier four regions. This entails navigating regulatory requirements and advocating for necessary policy changes. 


What notable changes are occurring within the sphere of K–12 education from your perspective? 

The pace of change in our current environment is remarkable, with developments unfolding practically every day. There are significant disparities between the periods before and after the Covid-19 pandemic, as well as before and after the implementation of the National Education Policy (NEP). These shifts have brought about substantial transformations in various aspects of our lives, particularly in the realm of education. The challenges, opportunities and approaches to education have evolved significantly in response to these defining events, shaping the way we perceive and navigate through educational landscapes. 


What specific hurdles do you identify within the landscape of K–12 education? 

The challenges we face are deeply rooted in the diversity of our country. With 1.5 million schools and approximately 250 million children spread across numerous cities and districts of India, achieving a standardised rollout process for everyone poses a significant difficulty. The sheer diversity of India presents a formidable challenge. 

Furthermore, there are hurdles associated with the implementation of technology, particularly regarding its deployment predominantly in urban areas. Additionally, a pressing challenge lies in the integration of government schools into the mainstream education system. The sheer volume of government schools necessitates a more expedited approach to bring them up to par with other educational institutions. 


Musharrat Shahin

BW Reporters The author is working as correspondent with BW CIO

Meha Mathur

BW Reporters The author works as Senior Associate Editor with BW Businessworld

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