Online Classes: Busting Myths, One At A Time

The new coronavirus is spewing its venom relentlessly across the globe. While more than 200 countries have already fallen prey, for the others it seems to be a waiting game. Governments are leaving no stone unturned to tackle the pandemic and ensure essential services, but what about education. With lockdowns seeing no end in sight, more and more schools are transitioning to online classes to ensure that at least education doesn't take a beating.  

Let is address from a general point of view, as quoted in other articles, not new, digital learning is not for a pandemic, which is very powerful which would have been applied in a regular system, tremendous for all stakeholders, now always a fear of unknown terrain, therefore we have not ventured into using these tools and we are now forced to.   

Recently, a sceptical parent enquired about the effectiveness of online classes to an already disturbed school owner. What ensued was something for the comic strips. While some comments ranged from genuine thoughts like ‘Will my child lose interest in the real school’ the school owner wondered, peppered with expletives, if this was the end of the business he built with his sweat and blood. Whether genuine or bizarre, these thoughts need some answers and its high time the myths are busted.  

Because this is not an organic transition and everyone has been thrown into the deep end of the pool, there are a zillion questions in everyone’s mind about the effectiveness and efficiency of online classes in general.  

Will schools go extinct (obsolete) and teachers are not required and children will become self-learning 

Is this the end of the road for brick and mortar schools? 

Not at all, In a school its not just about that, there is vertical and horizontal learning, hard skills and soft skills, coming together, life skills, CCCC (4C of Learning), coming together, all those aspects, schools are the centre but the amount of time spent in rote learning may come down, like Finland 4 days and 4 hrs each. 

How is that a norm? How are their PISA scores best? Learning is happening ubiqi=uiously. Learning is happening everywhere. Multiple tools for /Augmented learning and flipped classrooms will work. Schools won’t become extinct. 

Chalk and Talk  

Teachers will use these tools in hands will become greater power now, the role of intervention continues, not just chalk and talk. Will have greater analytics, definite analytics learning profile, foundation, accelerated learning, object-based learning, like doctors, high diagnostics and intervention based on high analytics,  

Effectiveness and Accountability 

School owners and management, schools will it stop, management e-learning teachers accountable possible? Standard of teaching-learning drop? Some of the thoughts like will we know what the teachers teaching. Teachers class can be recorded and played back. One of the things they employed. Kept camera, the teacher takes class, goes back, the teacher can see the class, can see the class and understand preparation level will improve, cautious.  

How to ensure the child learns, now we wait for parents to come for PTM and tell them about it. They can attend from anywhere, the child has to take a test in the parents' presence. Make the assignment and upload, parents get notification. Parents are made stakeholders.  

Many parents teachers and students will be enabled and have these tools in their hands. Post the pandemic, the child can attend from anywhere, ubiquitous, it will be everywhere.  


Saiju Aravind

Guest Author Saiju Aravind, Founder & MD of EduBrisk Knowledge Solutions, is passionate about ushering in a revolution in the Education Sector, with his motto ‘Demystifying Brilliance’. He believes that it is possible to ‘Learn to Lean’ by mimicking Brilliance. Towards this, he and his Team have been working on developing Teaching, Learning and Mentoring techniques. A Post Graduate from IIT Delhi, he was a Scientist at the DRDO and served as Commander in the Indian Navy. He is a member of the Institute of Defense Scientists & Technologists (IDST) and has received the 'Tukral Memorial Award’, the ‘Commodore Garg Silver Medal’ at IIT, Delhi, as well as Chief of Naval Staff Commendation, to name a few Awards. He has also published about Fifteen Papers and Articles in Indian and International Journals. (For more information about his Publications, Google ‘Saiju A NSTL’)

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