Mechanical Engineering Students Are Innovating Technologies To Meet A Wide Range Of Human Needs

Mechanical Engineering is one of the broadest and oldest streams of engineering. Students, who opt to study this discipline, are involved with the design, analysis, testing, manufacturing, operations and maintenance of mechanical systems.

The IT discipline definitely had its days of dominance. However, students today, look for aspiring careers not only in fields of IT and manufacturing but also have a strong inclination to pursue mechanical engineering. Without this as a discipline, we would not have engines, elevators, generators or even air conditioners! It has enabled mankind to do chores with ease as it brings to the foray emerging technologies that benefit our modern society.

Mechanical engineers are in demand across nations and enjoy a very high starting salary too. Most of them tend to be multi-faceted as they are given a strong working knowledge of computer applications, physics, mathematics, and structures to name a few, and an in-depth understanding of socio-environmental factors as well.

Mechanical engineering is not just a degree, it transforms an individual into an expert who can analyse, create, manage, maintain and offer innovative solutions to improve the overall quality of life. When it comes to developing new technologies for different industries like healthcare, robotics, aerospace and transportation, mechanical engineers are the most sought-after. The career paths of mechanical engineers are largely determined by the choices they make and this in itself is a big advantage in this dynamic world. Mechanical engineers are capable of working in a wide variety of industry sectors, and new technologies will create industries that don't exist today. Mechanical engineers are no longer confined to the traditional industries of aerospace, automotive, and manufacturing, but are also employed extensively in important emerging areas, such as nuclear technology, robotics, biomedical technology and energy systems. Rightly Steve Jobs reminds, “Innovation distinguishes between a leader and a follower”. 

Indeed, the discipline of mechanical engineering has made noteworthy contributions that have transformed millions of lives:

  • 1. Ulta Chaata Harvester is a brilliant concept to promote rainwater harvesting. The same is used to generate renewable energy in towns, cities, and industries. With single Ulta Chaata, one can harvest approximately 100,000 litres of water. This device also generates solar electricity and helps to charge the electronic devices.
  • 2. 3D-printed rotor is a miniature device which freezes seawater and separates the solid form from it and leaves back plain ice. Once melted, it can be used as regular water.
  • 3. EnviGreen Edible Bags is a brilliant solution by Ashwath Hegde to counter the use of plastic. The bags are edible and affordable; it gets degraded naturally in just 6 months.
  • 4. Keeping in mind that more than 40 % of rural areas in almost all the countries don’t have electricity UTEC (Universidad de Ingeniería y Tecnología) has come up with an innovative lamp, called the Eco-friendly Lamp, which is powered by plants.
  • 5. Inventive Power has come up with a unique solar thermal energy design which generates steam in higher temperature and which in turn can be utilized to produce electrical power. This project is focused to reduce the LPG consumption and carbon dioxide emission to safeguard the environment.
  • 6. The washing machines use 10-15 gallons of water during every cleaning cycle. Water scarcity is growing exponentially across the globe, and it is crucial to utilize it effectively. Aqua Fresco is an innovative filter designed by MIT students, which reuses 95 % of the water used for washing. This device helps to recycle the water which again is reused for the rest of the cycles.
  • 7. Avant-Garde Innovations has devised an economical wind turbine which generates electricity for a lifetime using wind energy. The low-cost setup of a wind turbine is its unique selling point.

In conclusion, mechanical engineering as a discipline involves the study of some of the most interesting phenomena in the world of science. It allows graduates to choose from a wide array of career options and engages individuals in significant contributions that add immense value to the global economy. It is thus that Mechanical Engineering continues to be one of the most sought after and highly respected disciplines in Engineering and Sciences!


Sudhir G. Angur

Guest Author Sudhir G. Angur is the Chancellor of Alliance University.

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