Is Online Learning Successful At Meeting Students' Educational Needs?

The importance of online education has come to the fore at the onslaught of Covid-19, which impacted the academic processes worldwide. After bearing some teething issues initially most colleges and schools have now successfully adapted to the hybrid mode of learning. Students are attending lectures via electronic devices like mobiles, laptops and desktops. 

However, the adaption is still not smooth as both teachers and students keep dealing with a number of issues coming up during online classes. However, teachers are working hard to achieve technological competence and implement the best teaching pedagogies to improve students learning experience. 

Online platforms successfully deploy all academic activities like projects, assignments, quizzes, group discussions, case studies and so on. These activities help students change their role from a passive learner to an active participant and a partner in the learning process. But there are met with challenges as they access material online. 

Challenges of Online Learning

One of the major challenges of online learning is insufficient digital infrastructure and connectivity issues. Challenges have also been faced by educational institutions to map their educational activities in the hybrid mode. Additionally, teachers and students are not so financially stable to afford or access the internet for long hours. 

Lack of access, economically or logistically also creates problems especially for students in backward and remote areas. The problem persists for students from lower-income groups living in urban areas as well.  

The minimum level of digital literacy is needed for both students and teachers in order to adapt to the hybrid teaching and learning techniques. Online asynchronous education imposes liabilities on students. Students must be well organized, self-motivated, and must possess time management skills to get the benefits of online education. Therefore, online education is not advisable for younger students and other students who are dependent learners. 

How Online Learning Has Proved to be a Boon!

Despite challenges, online education has evolved quite rapidly over the last couple of years. Many online platforms, EdTech companies have come up during this short span of time. This made online learning accessible to rural and remote areas of India.  Through the online mode of learning, students were able to save the cost of transportation, accommodation, and the overall cost of institution-based learning. 

Hybrid teaching is convenient for both teachers and students as it makes room for them to work on flexible schedules. The benefit of asynchronous online learning is seen when students are seen attending classes from anywhere in the world, all they need is a proper internet connection and electronic devices on the display. Online learning is also opening a gateway for better interaction, exchange of ideas and collaboration of teachers and students in the most unique way.

Limitations of Online Learning

Online learning requires teachers to prepare well in advance for any technical glitch that might come their way while teaching. Also, certain subjects are practical in nature, therefore, it is important to recognize those subjects and it shouldn’t be taught online such as public speaking, medicine, and sports.

In the current scenario, technology has become an integral part of education, and teaching pedagogies are evolving with time making room for innovation and learning techniques. Having said that, the success of an online program depends purely on the curriculum, teacher, technology advancement, and the seeking spirit of a student. 

Making The Most Of Online Learning Tools and Platforms

The faculty members at Jaipuria Institute of Management, Ghaziabad, are delivering lectures in both synchronous as well as asynchronous mode. MBA students who are unable to attend regular lectures can take benefits from recorded lectures and study materials uploaded on the portal. Students are also given an opportunity to can clear their doubts with the concerned faculty at a convenient time. 

Moreover, faculty members are now using Google Classroom, Presentation tools like Prezi, Zoomit, Canva, MS PowerPoint more frequently. Video creation tools like Zoom, Screencastify, Screencast-o-Matic are also being used to engage students. Engagement tools like Direct Polls, Google JamBoard, Slack, Padlet, Mobile Apps like-TED, Kahoot and Trello are being used to give a hands-on experience to the students. 

Online education continues to evolve with the advent of new technologies and digital tools. Only time will tell if it may or may not replace the traditional methods of a learning experience, but it’s definitely here to stay and has managed to engage students in an innovative way. 


Prof (Dr) Daviender Narang

Guest Author The author is Director, Jaipuria Institute of Management, Indirapuram, Ghaziabad

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