IIMC Case Research Centre Launches “Finedge: Bionic Advisory For A Digital India” Case Study

IIM Calcutta’s Case Research Center (IIMCCRC), launches “FinEdge: Bionic Advisory for a Digital India” case study on FinEdge, one of India’s leading financial planning companies. The case study is based on FinEdge’s forward approach to the financial planning market. FinEdge is considered as one of the pioneers on the concept of Bionic Advisory; a business model that larger global and local players are now attempting to emulate.

Prof Indranil Bose, the faculty supervisor of the case and also the coordinator of IIMCCRCin his speech said, “FinEdge: Bionic Advisory for a Digital India” case study serves as food for thoughts for numerous bright minds at IIMC and other academic institutes, who will no doubt go on to revolutionize and re-invent the concept of Bionic Financial Advisory after they graduate.”. He also added that “The Indian Financial Services landscape is entering an era of digital disruption, and new-age start-ups are leading FinTech innovations. FinEdge is one such 'Make in India' start-up that combines robotics with the “human touch” to help their clients create wealth. I hope the inspiring story of FinEdge's bionic model and their approach to problem-solving will encourage more FinTech start-ups to contribute to societal well-being through their endeavours”.

Addressing the Case release ceremony organised at IIMC, Harsh Gahlaut, Founder & CEO, FinEdgesaid, “It’s been an honour for FinEdge to have been selected by IIMC to undertake a case study and to showcase our unique Bionic Financial Advisory model. “

MayankBhatnagar, Co-Founder & COO, FinEdge added, “Our rapid growthwill continue to throw up challenges and opportunities. With IIMC using FinEdge as a case study, we expect it will result in ideas that will translate into solutions not just for us, but for the industry as a whole”

Aniruddha Bose, CIO,FinEdge said, “We are delighted that IIMC has chosen to showcase our unique marriage of human interaction with robust technology, as an example of how FinTech based advisory is expected to evolve in the future”

Back in 2011 when brick and mortar advisors reigned supreme, FinEdge had envisaged a tech- enabled “remote” model of client engagement. “Robo Advisory” was just a futuristic buzzword back then. Since its inception in 2011, FinEdge has grown exponentially year on year, and has been widely acknowledged by the industry for its high-quality financial planning processes and use of cutting-edge technology. FinEdge has steadfastly maintained its focus on key business aspects such as customer level value, unit economics, and process efficiency. Today, FinEdge has clients across 600+ cities in India and 45 countries all managed from their single office in Gurugram.

IIM Calcutta’s Case Research Center (IIMCCRC) was founded in the year 2012 to develop a repository of India specific management case studies. One of the objectives of developing the Center is to establish a strong channel of communication between the academic community of IIMC and the Indian business community and create an environment for mutual learning.

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