How To Enhance Students' Productivity During Coronavirus Outbreak

Learning from home can be fun and focussed too

The lockdown across India has forced most systems to grind to a halt - the education system being one of the largest. With minimum warning or preparation, students, educators and institutions alike had to dive straight into the deep end with digital learning, webinars and self- study systems. For all students reading this: while it’s natural for you to feel confused and worried with this rapid escalation, there are significant ways to make this period fun, efficient, focussed and full of discoveries. Read on!

Make your own fun timetable

And this time it needn’t be the way your school set it for you. Get into the details and design a timetable that works for you, plays to your strengths and helps you make the most of your time. Gently reorient yourself into your own routine by drawing out a weekly timetable on a Whiteboard or a pinboard in your room.

Hang/prop the whiteboard in front of your study table. And use it to:

Track your progress according to your own timetable;

Learning new concepts visually and for making fun mind maps;

To quickly jot down reminders and updates to your plan.

Sure there are apps and online tools to replicate the whiteboard, but it is important to remember that a major component of learning is experiential and tactile. Since the present lockdown has forced you to depend on yourself to continue staying focused, using tactile and physical tools will help you stay grounded and embodied.

Make lists

Lists are simple, lists break down complex aims into small, measurable tasks. Educationists and teachers the world over believe this. So try this, get yourself a Daily Planner or a large sticky note. And every morning, just before you start your day, plan out a list of things you’d like accomplished. And as you make progress through the day, mark it against your list. To make it fun, give yourself a reward (extra break time, a treat from the refrigerator etc) if you finish off your list.

Visual learning is key

Nothing cements a concept and learning in your head like visually laying it out in front of you. It makes connections easier, information organisation systematic and learning fun. Use a whiteboard to visually break down concepts for better understanding. Use sticky notes of different colours and sizes to break down concepts, chronologies and structures on your study room or bedroom wall. Sticky post-it notes also help in quickly jotting down questions and doubts as bookmarks in your books and periodicals to get them clarified during your online class or webinar.

Plan breaks between learning and eat on time

Now that you are going to be spending a lot of time learning off bright screens or studying by yourself, remember to give yourself frequent breaks to rest your eyes, relax and stretch your body. And remember to eat fresh, healthy and nutritious food. Your body and mind will thank you for it.

Take charge

The world is slowly realising the fact that for the foreseeable future, online learning and study from home models are the most sustainable options we have. Which is why you need all the tools you can make the most of your studying. Create fun projects for yourself: like leaving a positive, uplifting message for yourself and your family on your whiteboard or planner surface or creating your own Kanban board to make planning and learning super-organised. A Kanban board comes from the Japanese word Kanban which means ‘visual signal’. A Kanban board is a simple, yet an intricate way to plan out your schedule and break them down into a vivid, visual calendar of milestones and events to finish.

In conclusion, remember that this is going to take some time and effort getting used to. But irrespective of the period, you can adapt to it and learn to make the most of it. So stay safe, stay healthy, stay curious, stay focussed!


Sanjit Satapathy

Guest Author The author is Head of Consumer Business at 3M India

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