How NEP Strongly Support Online Courses For Future Generation

“This is true and in fact, it sounds good that the education system of India has been improved a lot in pandemic to push online education with New Education Policy. Online education is the best crisis management solution today, it’s also a roadmap of what the future will look like. Indians are the second-largest consumers on Massive Open Online Courses (MOOCs). India has approximately 3.5 million students in higher education and around 900 universities catering to this need. In 2030, we will have around 14 million students, which will amount to four times increase in demand. To meet this, India needs four times the number of universities, colleges and teachers. Similarly, by 2022, India faces a potential shortage of 250 million skilled workers across sectors – EY/FICCI report).  

Online education will play a wide role to make a digital bridge for aspirants who need education as per the 21st century. New Education Policy is not about the degree is all about to focus on life skills and vocational courses.  

Now the govt NEP will ask more questions in students mind as the new policy is focused on research and the internet and online education is the best place where the students have the deep sea of information & content, Research, discovery and deliverable from across the globe.  

Nowadays in India, many companies are educating people in the field vocational skill courses like Fashion Design, Interior Design & IT courses with their technical infrastructure where the acceptability of e-education is increasing day by day. The New Education bodies and Edtech Companies have come up with the E-Learning courses, which are more convenient and cheaper than the remote or Traditional education for the students.  

There are many setbacks to increasing online education in the current situation but this pandemic forced us to change our lives and the uses of gadgets like mobile, tablets, laptops in our daily life. Still, the poor internet speed and costly gazetted will create a big wall between the last aspirants of the nation.  

New policy is the gateway of online education where students can think big apart from mainstream subjects and make their life skills into job-ready courses in minimum time. The Govt. needs to open their eyes on deliverables of e-content to set parameters of quality content and equality of students both in school and higher education, NEP gives a new way and transformation of the education journey of each student digitalised. It's a way for a comprehensive vision on education that will empower the youth and children into the 21st century for skill-based education. The policy will decrease the job seeker and will increase the entrepreneur for shining India. 

Virtual learning the need of the hour, and places increased focus on technology-based learning and application through online e-learning courses. Online education is useful and during this COVID outbreak, the online courses help students lot to reshape their skills and talent. The engagement of online courses is increased tremendously which itself define a good sign of sensibility of today’s generation toward exploring new things with the help on AI and E-learning.  

NEP strongly supports open source applications that drive learning to use artificial intelligence, smart analytics and well-structured content around gamified learning. To summarize, the new National Education Policy has ushered a new era of new hopes and new horizons for students for their future benefits. 

"Education is the wealth of Nation"  


Som Sharma

Guest Author The author is Founder, Edu Brain Group

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