Empowering Women And Bridging The Digital Divide

In an Interview with BW Education, Niyati Tewari, a student, innovator and entrepreneur, shares her insights on empowering women, promoting AI education and preserving India's cultural heritage through her ventures, Inaraa and Niyati.ai.

SAHIT’s theme this year is 'Women, Workforce and Viksit Bharat: A Blueprint for Inclusive Growth.' How do you see your work contributing to this vision and what are your thoughts on achieving full participation of women in India’s economic growth?

My work aligns closely with SAHIT’s vision of inclusive growth, particularly through the empowerment of women and marginalised communities. Through Inaraa, I am bringing tribal art into the mainstream fashion industry, which not only celebrates India’s cultural heritage but also provides sustainable livelihoods for women artisans from tribal communities. By ensuring that these women have a platform to showcase their skills and earn a fair income, it is my humble effort to contribute to their economic independence and broader participation in India’s workforce.

Moreover, the Niyati.ai (own your destiny) education initiative aims to equip young women with the skills they need to thrive in a technology-driven world. By making advanced AI tools accessible and understandable, we plan to break down barriers that often keep women from entering STEM fields, ultimately contributing to a more diverse and inclusive workforce.

Achieving full participation of women in India’s economic growth requires us to create opportunities that are not only accessible but also meaningful. This includes providing education, fostering entrepreneurship and ensuring safe digital spaces where women can thrive. My work in fashion, technology and cybersecurity aims to contribute to this holistic vision of an inclusive and developed Bharat, where every woman has the tools and opportunities to succeed.


Your work spans both culture, skilling, fashion and technology. How has your educational background influenced your journey as an innovator and entrepreneur and what role do you think interdisciplinary learning plays in fostering innovation?

My educational background has played a pivotal role in shaping my journey as both an innovator and entrepreneur. From an early age, I was encouraged to explore a wide range of subjects, allowing me to develop a deep understanding of various disciplines. This interdisciplinary approach has been instrumental in my ability to blend creativity with technology whether it’s incorporating traditional tribal art into contemporary fashion or developing an AI education app. For me, the ability to seamlessly integrate concepts from culture, arts, fashion, technology and social impact has not only fueled my entrepreneurial ventures but has also enabled me to contribute meaningfully to the community.


How do you think platforms like Inaraa can be used as educational tools to teach students about cultural heritage and the importance of preserving traditional crafts?

 Platforms like Inaraa offer a unique opportunity to educate students about cultural heritage and the importance of preserving traditional crafts. By integrating traditional tribal art into modern fashion, Inaraa creates a tangible connection between youth and the rich cultural history of India. This approach not only highlights the beauty and significance of these crafts, tribes and indigenous communities while demonstrating their relevance in today's world.

 Inaraa can serve as an educational tool by providing case studies, interactive experiences and workshops that teach students about the origins, techniques and stories behind various tribal designs. By learning how these crafts are made and understanding the artisans' challenges, students can develop a deeper appreciation for cultural diversity and the need to preserve these traditions. In Inaraa, the tribal artisan is the real hero and we are putting the spotlight firmly on them.

 Moreover, by emphasising the economic impact of supporting tribal artisans through sustainable fashion, Inaraa can inspire students to think about how they can contribute to social change. This platform can encourage a new generation of socially conscious consumers and entrepreneurs who value and promote cultural preservation. In this way, Inaraa not only preserves traditional crafts but also educates and empowers the next generation to continue this important work.


 You’ve developed an AI education app while still in school. How do you manage your academic responsibilities alongside your entrepreneurial projects and what advice would you give to students who want to pursue similar paths?

Balancing academic responsibilities with entrepreneurial projects is exciting for me. It’s all about effective time management and prioritisation. I ensure that my schoolwork remains a priority by setting clear goals and breaking down tasks into manageable steps. This helps me stay organised and focused, whether I am working on a class assignment or developing my AI education app. I also believe in the power of a strong support system, my teachers, family, and mentors have been incredibly supportive, which has allowed me to pursue my passions without compromising my studies.

My advice to students who want to follow a similar path is to stay curious and never stop learning. It’s important to explore your interests outside the classroom and find ways to integrate them with your academic goals. Time management is crucial, learn to balance your priorities and do not be afraid to ask for help when needed. You will always be able to make time for something you are truly passionate about.


Your AI education app is designed to democratise access to AI tools for students. What gaps in the current education system did you identify that led you to develop this app and how do you believe it will transform learning experiences for students?

 In today's rapidly evolving educational landscape, one of the significant gaps I have identified is the limited access to advanced technologies, particularly in the field of artificial intelligence, which itself is still evolving for students from diverse backgrounds. Traditional education systems often focus on rote learning, leaving little room for the exploration of emerging technologies like AI and their application in our daily lives. This lack of exposure creates a knowledge gap, particularly among students who may not have the resources to access specialised training or tools. I have been truly fortunate to study in schools, first Rishi Valley and The International School Bangalore (TISB),  where the emphasis is laid on the holistic development of both mind and body. I would therefore like as many people to experience the same. Therefore both these ventures are my attempt to bridge the digital divide.

Recognising this, I developed my AI education app to bridge this gap and democratise access to AI tools for students, regardless of their geographical location or socio-economic background. By providing free, easy-to-use AI resources, my platform empowers students to explore, experiment and learn about AI at their own pace. I believe this will transform learning experiences by fostering curiosity, encouraging hands-on learning, and preparing students for the challenges of the future, where AI will play an increasingly significant role.  Ultimately, my goal is to ensure that all students have the opportunity to engage with AI, gain valuable skills, and contribute to the technological advancements of tomorrow.


Education in technology is rapidly evolving. How do you think AI and other emerging technologies should be integrated into school curriculums to better prepare students for the future?

Education in technology must evolve to include AI and emerging technologies to prepare students for the future. AI should be integrated into curriculums from an early age through hands-on, project-based learning, making it accessible and relevant across subjects. Ethics and digital literacy should be emphasised to ensure responsible use. Collaboration between educators and industry experts is key to keeping curriculums up-to-date. By doing this, we can equip students with the skills and understanding they need to thrive in a tech-driven world.

Incorporating AI education is not just about teaching students to use technology, it is about fostering a mindset of continuous learning and adaptability. As technology rapidly changes, students must develop the ability to learn new tools and concepts throughout their lives. This adaptability will be crucial in a future where the pace of innovation only accelerates. By instilling this mindset early on, we can prepare students not just for today's challenges but for the unknown opportunities and obstacles of tomorrow.


Given your achievements at such a young age, what changes do you think are necessary in the education system to nurture entrepreneurial skills and innovative thinking among students?

I believe the education system needs to evolve to better nurture entrepreneurial skills and innovative thinking among students. First, there should be a greater emphasis on experiential learning students need opportunities to engage in real-world projects, problem-solving and collaboration from an early age. This hands-on approach encourages creativity and allows students to apply theoretical knowledge in practical settings.

Second, schools should integrate technology and entrepreneurship into the curriculum, not just as standalone subjects but as core components across various disciplines. For instance, Understanding AI and digital tools is no longer optional; it's essential for the next generation of innovators. The Government of India has also been actively encouraging AI education through initiatives like the National AI Portal and various programs under the National Education Policy (NEP) 2020. These efforts are crucial in ensuring that students have access to the latest technological advancements and are well-prepared for the future.

Finally, fostering a growth mindset is crucial. Students should be encouraged to view challenges as opportunities to learn rather than obstacles. By promoting resilience, curiosity, and a willingness to take risks, we can cultivate a new generation of entrepreneurs who are equipped to drive positive change.


Mayank Badhwar

BW Reporters The reporter works as Senior Correspondent with BW Businessworld

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