"Education should make children more aware about the world and themselves", says Rohit Shah, an actor and a student.

While Rohan Shah is a familiar face on television and silver screen, very few know that he has been working for almost sixteen years in the media industry. Multi-talented Rohan acts, writes, directs, dances and has been a part of over 250 commercials, television shows, short films, music videos, plays and web series. For a fine child artist like Rohan, who started acting at the age of six, most of the viewer’s worry would be about the education of the child. Despite of a glam environment, Rohan, unlike many child artists, has a unique take on the purpose and philosophy of education.

What do you think is the purpose of education?
To make children more aware about the world and themselves. Not just pass information.

What kind of education is required for success in life?
Exercises which help in explore and learning ourselves.

Is our present education system relevant to today’s generation? Why/Why not?
Personally, no. We (in general) in the present education system study to pass. There are books, projects and there are number of days to cover. It's too mechanic and no fun! We start studies it to finish it, for the degree and for the society. If only the practice was fun we could explore so much and enjoy the journey of learning. By fun I don't mean games, rather, I mean self-exploring exercises. Exploring is fun, learning for exam is not. Subject learning should be flexible for learners, depending on their independent specific interests. Only if individuals could find what they really want to do at their early life, they would be happy all their life doing exactly what they want to do by exploring their best!

And there’s truth. I'd like to add that there are multiple practices to be aware of truth. You choose science, religion, or even art to learn the truth but at the end of your way you reach to the same destination.

Is teaching another form of parenting?
Yes definitely, but I realized that nobody can teach anyone; they can help them learn though. You can impose fear or guilt in someone but when in come to teaching, only one can teach oneself.
How do you plan to be a lifelong learner?
Once you start to explore, you hardly can settle for less. The learning halts only when you distract yourself. The seeking spirit in you is your true source of becoming a lifelong learner!

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