Covid 19: Tomorrow Will Be Better

The future of man has always been unpredictable, from the Neolithic Revolution about ten thousand years ago to the agricultural and industrial civilization. Covid-19 has introduced a new normal, life is going on in a way we could never imagine. Corona has made work from home a part of life. Remote virtual meeting has become common practice now.

MPs in the UK hold parliament sessions for the first time, via Zoom software, this is the first time in over 700 years in the UK that MPs did not sit in the 'House of Commons'. The pandemic taught us that whatever is constant in life can change. Till yesterday we used to roam freely but today even if someone comes at the door, we feel scared. 

The pandemic has increased both risks and opportunities. Tough times inspire us to learn new things. Corona and lockdown have also done the same. While new experiences help us to survive, these experiences also give us the strength to move forward in life. There has been a huge difference between life before and after COVID-19. 

While Corona has changed the way of living life, it has also provided energy towards old relationships. Corona has given them the opportunity to share meals with their families, as well as time for home-schooling and caring for children and the elderly. The personality of women has also emerged in the lockdown, women handled the household with double effort. While working from home, women not only kept balance with the family but also fought mental problems due to being imprisoned in homes. 

The pandemic has taught us a lot and explained the meaning and interpretation of the word digital, today online banking, online transactions, online education and online jobs have become a part of our lives. Working on new technologies, spending more time at home, working from home, accepting new modes of sports and entertainment, re-strengthening the relationship with relatives-friends, all this has been taught to us by Corona. Corona has also provided an opportunity to think about the culture of collecting expensive goods and spending money. 

The COVID-19 pandemic is a difficult time, but it can also be a time of unprecedented creativity. Virtual interactions are driving innovation. Work from Home has completely changed the office hours from 9 to 5 and greatly reduced the distance between home and office. Pandemic has forced life to reset, as it is told in Shrimad Bhagavad Gita that nothing is permanent in the world. This pandemic has changed all our plans and made us feel uncertain about our careers. 

Remember careers and jobs are always changeable, some jobs become obsolete and some emerge to meet the needs of the times. According to a survey, 35 per cent of all lost jobs will not come back. However, the survey itself shows that work redistribution and new demand will reduce losses. Employees being shared cross-industry. This is an innovative response, moving people involved in hotels, airlines and tourism to organizations that have a plethora of jobs, such as health, logistics, retail stores and online stores. It is very helpful in developing new skills and networks. Automation is not a job killer in today's economic climate, it is becoming an essential capability to deal with the crisis. The rise of 5G networks and connected machines are creating virtual 'on-the-go workstations.' 

We can get many options about the future; all we need is to invest time and effort in it. The new normal will bring new opportunities. A new market that was previously untouched is now taking hold. There is no downfall everywhere. There are many companies and startups which are doing good and youth can gain good experience by working here, many employers are now looking for graduates having different skills so that they can work effectively from home. 

The country can become an alternative manufacturing hub. Today, India can provide enough land, trained manpower and a substantial market for manufacturing to foreign investors and companies. We have the largest population under the age of thirty-five in our country and a large number of science-engineering graduates. Overall, cheap labour, a large talent pool and availability of skilled manpower make India very attractive as compared to other countries. 

It is time for an innovative business model. There is no better time than a recession to start a business; Youth can accomplish better supply chain management in the Corona era through low cost, good talent and labour. If we go back in the past, we will find that amidst the challenges of the global economic recession 2008, many start-up companies were started, in which WhatsApp (2009), Uber (2009) and Instagram (2010) are prominent, which are today winning the whole world. In fact, challenge and opportunity are like a double-edged sword. The kitchen of the house also gives the option of many food items, life is also like this, only there is a need to make a decision. 

This is the time of multi-skill, so focus on skill, reskill and future skill. Employees of apparel companies such as M&S, New Balance, etc. are now producing surgical masks and gowns, while Ford, General Motors and some other prominent motor companies have reduced production at their automotive plants due to declining consumer demand, producing ventilators and other medico machines. 

Corona has given us a chance to think about ourselves and our loved ones. The experiences of lockdown have also taught us that life can go on in other ways too. Instead of exploiting nature, society can develop by saving it. Roads can breathe too. 

We know that there will be a tomorrow and that tomorrow will give many opportunities to our lives. The winners will be those who will do their work by analyzing the what, why, how and who and the losers will be the ones who will wait for everything to come back as before. Life is still a beautiful journey and we should all hope, that tomorrow will be better. 


Dr Brajesh Kumar Tiwari

Guest Author The author is Associate Professor at Atal Bihar Vajpayee School of Management and Entrepreneurship; Jawaharlal Nehru University, New Delhi.

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