A Look Into Successful B-school Components

In the competitive world of business, when many are looking to be business leaders or entrepreneurs, Business schools (B-schools) have emerged as a prime source, teaching and grooming aspiring young talents to achieve their dreams. But how are students, academics and B-schools driving the crest of business training? 

S Ravi, Founder & Managing Partner, Ravi Rajan & Co LLP, Former Chairman & Director, UTI Trustee Company and Former Chairman, BSE, addressed the interconnected relationship on Thursday at the BW Education, Business School Summit 2023. 

Ravi said, “Institutional management, academics and students are three interconnected components stitching a successful B-school in unison”. 

He emphasised that in today's changing business landscape training is important and for that students' cooperation is equally significant along with teachers' and institutional management's support. 

Institutional Management 

The top management brings financial stability to B-schools and connects students with experienced academics, shared Ravi. He underscored the fact that a knowledgeable mentor brings good out of students. 

“The management is also responsible for monitoring the overall working of the institute which further facilitates the students and their learnings,” he underlined. 

Academics and Students 

Ravi said academics are the fulcrum of any teaching institute as their energy either motivates or demotivates the young talents. So, their role is very important in developing the student's personality. He highlighted that B-school professors responsibly create a successful entrepreneur. 

Adding on, the former Chairman of BSE said, B-school pass-outs can be great business leaders but students’ families also play a significant role in shaping their careers. 

He said family ethics helps the younger mind to detach from some materialistic pleasures that are likely to hinder their academic performance. 

Sharing his experience Ravi stressed, “I am not addicted to anything and this is the formula of my success”. He said, “Even today my father’s advice echoes in my ear when he asked me to never drink or smoke when I was just 18 years of my age”.

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