2022 New Year-New Beginnings

The beginning of the new year is a great opportunity to make a change and gain new experiences by which you may create the history of your life. The new year brings a different perspective. Self-examination is the best way to make the new year better than last year.  Self-examination allows you to review the previous year and answer questions such as: What did you do better? / Where did you succeed beyond your expectations? What did you do wrong and what can you learn from it? Where did you fail? Where do you stand in terms of making your goals and dreams come true? And so on! These are important questions where you can see the track of your progress.

The biggest and most important adventure of our life is to find out who we really are. And what do we want to be? The most important skill is to discover your true self (Strength finder). Everyone is unique but most of the youth waste time and opportunity in making themselves like others. When you know yourself, you will find success faster than ever. We must all seek our own personal purpose. It means separating our own perspective from other people's expectations.

Setting goals is as important as oxygen to breathe. Setting goals keeps you focused and gives you the strength to continue despite uncertainties and difficulties. The beginning of the new year is the right time to set yourself for some new goals. Every year the youth make some resolution. We need courage and confidence to fulfil these resolutions. Sometimes the difference between success and failure is just trying one more time. This new year is the right time to fulfil an old dream.

It is very important to have passion and stubbornness in life. Just as you insisted on getting toys in your childhood in front of your parents, do the same insistence to fulfil your dreams in life.

Often youth have a tendency to focus on negativity. So instead of focusing on what we do, we tend to think a lot about what we don't want. The impossible is completely possible. In the oddities of life, we have the power and privilege to decide in any way we want. Just like a rupee note falling on the ground from the pocket does not reduce its value, similarly failures and challenges do not reduce our strength and ability for a while. The kitchen of the house also gives the option of many food items, life is also like this, but there is a need to take bold steps. If there are no challenges in your life then you will never be able to become what you can be, remember that difficulties give birth to opportunities. 

Basically, we need to capture what is inside us. This world is a vast ocean and only one can go across it, who sees the world not with his own eyes but with the eyes of circumstances. Always trust your spirits. If you have a trusting heart, then nothing is impossible in today's world.

You cannot change your past. Tomorrow is a new beginning, every day when you wake up, you have a new chance to prove yourself, achieve your goals. Instead of blaming yourself, focus on the fact that tomorrow is a new day and a new opportunity. Your every next decision is an opportunity to practice self-discipline and correct your mistakes. If you ate too much during lunch, say no to dinner. If you tend to fizzle with money, save money on your next purchase. 

The New Year is a great opportunity to turn a difficulty into a challenge. Yesterday’s dream is today's hope and tomorrow's reality. Do not wrap yourself in the page of failure, instead make that page the cover page of your success book. It doesn't matter if you are born in poverty, you have to make the mid and end of life. this is your Life. Each day is a new beginning and the new year is a new journey of life. don't let obstacles stop you from fulfilling your hopes and dreams. The new year gives us an opportunity to clean our slate and write a new chapter on it. resolve to make the New Year the best journey of your life.


Dr Brajesh Kumar Tiwari

Guest Author The author is Associate Professor at Atal Bihar Vajpayee School of Management and Entrepreneurship; Jawaharlal Nehru University, New Delhi.

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