Articles for Social Responsibility

Delhi Students Calls For A 'Plastic Free Future' At ISBF MUN

Delhi students gathered to debate ‘The implementation of SDG 13 with special emphasis on moving towards a plastic free future’ at the two day ISBF Model United Nations Conference 2019 (MUN).

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IIT Madras Launches India’s First Standing Wheelchair

With the support from Wellcome (U.K. based Foundation) and a patented novel mass-manufacturable mechanical design, ‘Arise’ is all set for commercialization in collaboration with Phoenix Medical Systems.

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Personalized Adaptive Learning Tools To Improve Learning Outcomes

The proposal was to do a pilot in government schools to show the blueprint of how EdTech can be integrated into the govt school system to improve learning outcomes at scale.

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IBM, Orissa Government Sign MoU To Introduce STEM For Girls

The collaboration is part of a three-year programme between IBM and Indian state governments to increase the participation of girls and women in STEM careers.

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Do You Know What Kills ‘Innovation’?

We can't see it, but definitely feel it and maybe unconsciously or consciously ignore it too.

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118 High School Girl Toppers Get Samsung Tablets

118 High School Girl Toppers from BBMP High Schools get Samsung Tablets as part of the Government of Karnataka’s Chetana Programme.

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Brain Drain: How Can We Reverse The Trend

We must realise that brain drain for any country is like attrition in a corporate set up which is happening at relatively higher levels of the skill pyramid. Let us objectively look at ways and means of containing this.

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Seven Steps To Combat Cyber Security Threats In Education Sector

Educational institutions store immense amounts of highly sensitive information, like contact information, academic records, Social Security numbers, financial information, and health records, which makes them lucrative targets for hackers.

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