Survival Of The Fittest: Future Of Education

With Artificial Intelligence as the buzzword today, our education system is all set to see a future none could have ever imagined. With the shrinking of the world and the implementation of innovative educational policies, mankind is moving towards becoming a ‘Global Village’ in literal terms. What does the future of education, then look like? Let us peep into it:

Learning by Doing

With the application of experiential learning in every field of study at present, it is going to further advance in future. Kindling the flame of creativity, motivating students to take informed risks, and shoving their way to learning in the process of experimenting will be the facilitator’s job.

Virtual Collaboration

With students breathing social media today, the future carries a lot of scope in terms of virtual collaborations for education, entrepreneurship, and employment. Like-minded as well as students with diverse thinking from varied cultures will bank upon opportunities provided by virtual connections. The millennial is well informed now. Social media is not just a means of adding to their friendships; they use it judiciously to form meaningful relations, which will be mutually beneficial. This collaboration has the potential of forming alliances through technology for integrated online training programs, by way of which students will not only gain global exposure virtually but will also, be able to undertake a joint study and work projects to develop together. 

Teacher-Student Relationship

No matter how sophisticated technology becomes, teachers will never be replaced. A robot may have more information; nonetheless, a teacher has feelings and emotions. Technology may provide the latest and the best possible solutions to students’ problems, teachers will always have the privilege of sharing genuine feedback which the students need the most to augment the learning process. The teacher-student relationship will be more like a mentor-mentee where there will be no hierarchy, and no protocols, although the relationship need be guided by mutual respect for each other. Facilitating students on how to critically assess situations and think analytically will be of prime importance. 

The face of educational institutions

For the experience of K-12 level, physical classrooms will exist even in 2050. The care and nurture along with technology and software driven education is a unique experience every child deserves to have. However, higher education will primarily move out of the physical classroom. It will primarily be based on the learner’s choice and preference: whether it is the cafeteria, or the lawns, or a snack-house, learner’s home, or any other comfort zone where learning takes precedence over conventional classroom experience.

Life Skills Education

The world has come a long way in gaining all that is materialistic in terms of technology, automobiles, transport, and infrastructure and is steadily moving towards becoming ‘smart’. This trend will gain momentum in the future. However, there will be a rise in introspection once the saturation point is reached which will happen very soon. This will lead to the conscious enhancement of life skills, with emotional and social skills a high priority followed by environmental awareness. The education system will, therefore, find it imperative to imbibe these in students. 

In a nutshell

Change is all that is permanent. The world of education has already witnessed a transition from conventional to the ultra-modern teaching methods and revolutionary paradigm shifts. This trend will further in future with learners across the planet not just benefitting from the knowledge they will receive but also pursuing the career and life choices in line with their passions, thus offering them a holistic development.


Deepa Sethi

Guest Author Prof. Deepa Sethi is an Associate Professor at Indian Institute of Management, Kozhikode. Her teaching areas include Managerial Communication, Cross Cultural Communication, Written Analysis & Communication. Her research areas also include Soft Skills, Nonverbal Communication, Electronic Communication, Persuasive Communication. Currently, she is also the Chair of the area of Humanities & Liberal Arts in Management at IIM Kozhikode.

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