Role Of Research In Giving Real-World Benefit To The Employees

The human quest to gain knowledge, address one’s desire for developing new abilities, connect with peers, and satisfy the sense of wonder is integral to research. Research helps individuals and organizations establish facts and reach new conclusions to gain knowledge and a clear understanding of a particular domain of knowledge. Doing research is crucial not just for students and academics but for all professionals alike. It entails systematic collection of relevant information about the activity of what an employee already knows and as he/she goes further novel information is added by analyzing the gathered information. Thus research is a means to understand the workplace requirements, increase awareness about job-related emerging issues, and ensure success at the workplace. For instance, Rajat Kapoor, the famous journalist and news anchor would not have achieved remarkable success had he eschewed doing his research about burning issues and public figures to establish the veracity of his stories. Similarly, many successful films and TV actors and actresses do a tremendous amount of research to better understand and perform their roles. Lynn Hirschberg, in an article published in 2017 about Daniel Day-Lewis, described how he prepared his award-winning role as a dressmaker in Paul Thomas Anderson's film, Phantom Thread. He wrote, 

“To become Woodcock, Day-Lewis, who is 60, watched archival footage of fashion shows from the 1940s and ’50s, studied the lives of designers, and most important, learned to sew……And for many months he apprenticed under Marc Happel, who is head of the costume department at the New York City Ballet, watching intently and then helping to reconstruct the famous Marc Chagall costumes for a production of Firebird…….."

Likewise, the most successful business executive understand their industry, competition, product, and most importantly their customer. This is possible only through the application of research information.As the workplace continues to evolve, research skills offer enduring rewards and become extremely crucial for the success of employees from the entertainment or non-entertainment industry.

Besides the pure pursuit of knowledge, research plays a crucial role in problem-solving. Research skills are crucial for the employees for several reasons, including that they can identify and formulate the problems that obstruct the performance and/or ability to efficiently perform the job role and, hinder the learning of new methods of doing things to meet emerging workplace demands. The employees having an inclination towards research can not only better understand evolving workplace requirements but also benefit the organization by using timely and meaningful research data. This data can create a deeper understanding of the contextual settings of a problem and possible solutions, i.e. what works and what does not in a specific situation. Thus research steers the employees' efforts in the right direction and nurtures their potential by taking advantage of various opportunities and addressing challenges that are specific to a contextual setting. Seizing opportunities can enhance an employee's social network, raise his awareness, and secure the support he/she direly needs at the workplace. Further, research nurtures the mind and is considered an effective brain exercise. The activities such as searching for information and critical thinking act as food for the brain, fostering the creativity and logical thinking of the employee. In a famous article by Todd Johnson, he wrote "Curiosity may kill the cat, but it also fuels the mind to seek answers….."

Despite its numerous benefits, employees are often found escaping from research. The most common remarks on research at the workplace include; I don't speak the research language, I am not a number person, research will distract from real work and, research can only be carried out by PhD students, marker research companies, and social scientists. To build a research culture in the organization, senior staff and board should have a consensus on the purpose of research and, public sharing and adherence to the purpose and scope of research.  Ultimately when we look at research for what it truly is and why it is important for employees – a catalyst for solving complex job-related issues – facilitator of appreciable job performance at an evolving and competitive workplace, we begin to understand its true impact on the success of employees at the workplace.


Parul Gupta

Guest Author Prof. Parul Gupta is Assistant Professor, Public Policy & Governance Area, MDI Gurgaon. She holds Doctorate and Masters degree in law, having specialization in Mercantile Law. She earned Ph.D. from Faculty of Law - Jamia Milia Islamia, New Delhi in the year 2010. Her expertise lies in Business law and Environmental law. Before joining MDI Gurgaon, she served in Army Institute of Management & Technology, Greater Noida for more than a decade, an Institute run by Army Welfare Education Society (AWES) for imparting management education to the wards of Army Personnel only.

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