JGU to Establish India’s First Constitution Museum

O.P. Jindal Global University, an Institution of Eminence, is establishing India's First Constitution Museum to commemorate the 75 Anniversary of the adoption of the Constitution of India.

"The Constitution Academy and The Rights & Freedoms Museum" is an unparalleled initiative and a landmark institution to be established in the annals of Indian constitutional history. Being established on the JGU campus, the museum will be inaugurated and dedicated to the nation on 26 November, 2024 to commemorate the 75 Anniversary of the adoption of the Constitution of India.

The Indian Constitution is a landmark document, which defines the framework governing the Republic of India. Adopted on 26 November 1949, the Constitution outlines the fundamental laws of our country  reflecting the values, principles and governance framework. It guides the state’s functioning, thus ensuring all citizen’s rights and responsibilities. With its roots grounded in historical struggles, philosophical ideals and societal aspirations, the Constitution embodies the nation’s collective journey toward democracy, justice, and equality. 
To encourage the youth in India, who are the leaders of tomorrow, the Constitution of India serves as  a beacon of knowledge and an established path which will also govern the future of our country. The first-of-its-kind Constitution Academy is an ambitious project which has never been envisaged by any other institution in India. Grand in scope, with an expansive vision, the Constitution Academy will be a living testament to our democratic governance structure which has instilled India with glory and triumph in its foundational principles. The unique academy is being built as a modern and contemporary museum reflecting the current perspectives and interpretations of various aspects associated with the Constitution of India. For a newly independent nation, India needed a formal structure to define its aspirations and plan for future governance  based on global democratic principles. This timeless document has guided our country towards equality, development, balance, and growth, while protecting its people and staying true to India’s spirit as a free and independent nation.

In a world where rights and freedoms are constantly evolving, it is crucial to ensure that the Constitution remains our guiding light, helping our youth and citizens understand the journey and the struggles of our young nation.
The museum will be a key destination for understanding the Constitution, with sections dedicated to each part of the document and its significance. It will feature profiles of every Constituent Assembly member along with spirited debates and deliberations that refined and created a robust manuscript ahead of its time. Through many formats, textual, audio-visual, experiential. We aim to ignite visitors’ interest in the Constitution, its evolution and its various components. We hope to spark explorations and deliberations on the rights and freedoms made available to us. The art featured in the museum, anticipated to be a major attraction, will include both pieces from the original handcrafted document and artworks inspired by the Constitution.

The academy and museum has been curated by Anjchita B. Nair, CEO, Culture and Head, Centre for Museums.  
The Academy will also house an archive of expert interviews that delves into various aspects of the Constitution, particularly the evolution of fundamental rights guaranteed to citizens of India. This shall be a dynamic archive that will continue to grow with the Constitution. A Children's Corner, with its interactive installations, quizzing stations, graphic pamphlets and novels shall introduce these complex concepts in a fun, experiential and accessible manner. The Constitution Academy is not merely an endeavour to document Constitutional heritage but one that also contributes to it. On the 75 Constitution Day, we will honour the legacy of those who crafted this remarkable charter and ensure it remains a vibrant guide for future generations. 

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